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Volume 63, Number 3, August10 2017

One major concern that has occupied the mind of the designers is a structural failure as result of stress concentration in the geometrical discontinuities. Understanding the effective parameters contribute to stress concentration and proper selection of these parameters enables the designer get to a reliable design. In the analysis of perforated isotropic and orthotropic plates, the effective parameters on stress distribution around holes include load angle, curvature radius of the corner of the hole, hole orientation and fiber angle for orthotropic materials. This present paper tries to examine the possible effects of these parameters on stress analysis of infinite perforated plates with central quasi-square hole applying grey wolf optimizer (GWO) inspired by the particular leadership hierarchy and hunting behavior of grey wolves in nature, and also the present study tries to introduce general optimum parameters in order to achieve the minimum amount of stress concentration around this type of hole on isotropic and orthotropic plates. The advantages of grey wolf optimizer are stout, flexible, simple, and easy to be enforced. The used analytical solution is the expansion of Lekhnitskii\'s solution method. Lekhnitskii applied this method for the stress analysis of anisotropic plates containing circular and elliptical holes. Finite element numerical solution is employed to examine the results of present analytical solution. Results represent that by selecting the aforementioned parameters properly, fewer amounts of stress could be achieved around the hole leading to an increase in load-bearing capacity of the structure.

Key Words
perforated plates; quasi-squared hole; grey wolf optimizer; analytical solution

Mohammad H. Bayati Chaleshtari and Mohammad Jafari: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Semnan, P.O.B. 3619995161, Iran

Architecture constraints in buildings may typically cause irregularities in the distribution of stiffness and mass and consequently causes non-compliance of centers of mass, stiffness and strength. Such buildings are known as asymmetric buildings the distribution of strength and stiffness is one of whose main challenges. This distribution is more complicated for concrete buildings with RC shear walls in which stiffness and strength are interdependent parameters. The flexibility under the foundation is another subject that can affect this distribution due to the variation of dynamic properties of the structure and its constituting elements. In this paper, it is attempted to achieve an appropriate distribution pattern by expressing the effects of foundation flexibility on the seismic demand of concrete shear walls and also evaluate the effects of this issue on strength and stiffness distribution among lateral force resistant elements. In order to understand the importance of flexibility in strength and stiffness distribution for an asymmetric building in different conditions of under-foundation flexibility, the assigned value to each of the walls is numerically calculated and eventually a procedure for strength and stiffness distribution dependencies on flexibility is provided.

Key Words
foundation flexibility; asymmetric buildings; strength and stiffness distribution; strength and stiffness interdependency; yield displacement distribution; wall type system

Gh.R. Atefatdoost: Department of Civil Engineering, Estahban Branch, Islamic Azad University, Estahban, Iran
H. Shakib: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
B. JavidSharifi: Fars Regional Electrical Company (FREC), Shiraz, Iran

This study deals with a numerical investigation of load transfer along interfaces of jacketed columns using finite element models. Appropriate plasticity and constitutive models are used to simulate the response of concrete and steel bars. Experimental data were used to calibrate the simulation of mechanical characteristics. The different compressive strength of core and jacket concrete, the confinement ratio, the dowels\'s diameter size and the load pattern shapes were considered. The path diagrams along the interfaces elucidate the areas around the dowel bars where due to stress concentration plastic hinges and intense discontinuities are created. The stress flow also depicts the contribution of confinement of the jacketed area to the overall resonant load capacity of the core column. The scope of the research is to identify and quantify the shear transfer along the interfaces of strengthened elements.

Key Words
RC jacketing; finite element model; interface; reinforced concrete; confinement

Dimitra V. Achillopoulou: Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, La Sapienza University of Rome, via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Italy

This paper presents a review on getting a Weighted Multi-Objective Optimization (WMO) of Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) parameters based on Response Surface Methodology (RSM) coupled central composite design and Weighted Desirability Function (WDF) to attenuate the earthquake vibration of a jacket supported Offshore Wind Turbine (OWT). To optimize the parameters (stiffness and damping coefficient) of damper, the frequency ratio and damping ratio were considered as a design variable and the top displacement and frequency response were considered as objective functions. The optimization has been carried out under only El Centro earthquake results and after obtained the optimal parameters, more two earthquakes (California and Northridge) has been performed to investigate the performance of optimal damper. The obtained results also compared with the different conventional TMD\'s designed by Den Hartog\'s, Sadek et al.\'s and Warburton\'s method. From the results, it was found that the optimal TMD based on RSM shows better response than the conventional damper. It is concluded that the proposed response model offers an efficient approach regarding the TMD optimization.

Key Words
weighted multi-objective optimization; tuned mass damper; response surface methodology; weighted desirability function; offshore wind turbine

Mohammad S. Rahman, Mohammad S. Islam: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National University, 558 Daehak-ro, Gunsan-si 54150, Republic of Korea
Jeongyun Do and Dookie Kim: Industry-University Cooperation Foundation, Kunsan National University, 558 Daehak-ro, Gunsan-si 54150, Republic of Korea

The addition of different types of polymers such as SBR, VAE, Acrylic, etc. in concrete and mortar leads to an increase in compressive, tensile and bond strength and decrease in permeability of polymer modified mortar (PMM) and concrete (PMC). The improvement in properties such as bond strength and impermeability makes PMM/PMC suitable for use as repair/retrofitting and water proofing material. In the present study effect of addition of fluoropolymer on the strength and permeability properties of mortar has been studied. In the cement mortar different percentages viz. 10, 20 and 30 percent of fluoropolymer by weight of cement was added. It has been observed that on addition of fluoropolymer in mortar the workability of mortar increases. In the present study all specimens were cast keeping the workability constant, i.e., flow value 105+-5 mm, by changing the amount of water content in the mortar suitably. The specimens were cured for two different curing conditions. Firstly, these were cured wet for one day and then cured dry for 27 days. Secondly, specimens were cured wet for 7 days and then cured dry for 21 days. It has been observed that compressive strength and split tensile strength of specimens cured wet for 7 days and then cured dry for 21 days is 7-13 percent and 12-15 percent, respectively, higher than specimens cured one day dry and 27 days wet. The sorptivity of fluoropolymer modified mortar decreases by 88.56% and 91% for curing condtion one and two, respectively. However, It has been observed that on addition of 10 percent fluoropolymer both compressive and tensile strength decreases, but with the increase in percentage addition from 10 to 20 and 30 percent both the strengths starts increasing and becomes equal to that of the control specimen at 30 percent for both the curing conditions. It is further observed that percentage decrease in strength for second curing condition is relatively less as compared to the first curing condition. However, for both the curing conditions chloride ion permeability of polymer modified mortar becomes very low.

Key Words
fluoropolymer modified cement mortar; cement mortar; SBR polymer; acrylic

Prem Pal Bansal and Ramandeep Sidhu: Civil Engineering Department, Thapar University, Patiala 147004, India

This paper devoted to study dynamic interaction between crack and inclusion or void by developing the eXtended Finite Element Methods (XFEM). A novel XFEM approximation is presented for these structures containing multi discontinuities (void, inclusion, and crack). The level set methods are used so that elements that include a crack segment, the boundary of a void, or the boundary of an inclusion are not required to conform to discontinuous edges. The investigation covers the effects of a single circular or elliptical void / stiff inclusion, and multi stiff inclusions on the crack propagation path under dynamic loads. Both the void and the inclusion have a significant effect on the dynamic crack propagation path. The crack initially curves towards into the void, then, the crack moves round the void and propagates away the void. If a large void lies in front of crack tip, the crack may propagate into the void. If an enough small void lies in front of crack tip, the void may have a slight or no influence on the crack propagation path. For a stiff inclusion, the crack initially propagates away the inclusion, then, after the crack moves round the inclusion, it starts to propagate along its original path. As a (the ratio of the elastic modulus of the inclusion to that of the matrix) increases, a larger curvature of the crack path deflection can be observed. However, as a increases from 2 to 10, the curvature has an evident increase. By comparison, the curvature has a slight increase, as a from 10 to 1000.

Key Words
extended finite element methods; dynamic interaction; crack; inclusion; void

Shouyan Jiang and Chengbin Du: Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China

Blast resistant gates are required to be lightweight and able to mitigate extreme loading effect. This may be achieved through innovative design of a gate and its supporting frame. The first is well covered in literature while the latter is often overlooked. The design of supporting frame depends mainly on the boundary conditions and corresponding reaction forces. The later states the novelty and the aim of this paper, namely, the analysis of reaction forces in supporting structure of rectangular steel gates subjected to \"far-field explosions\". Flat steel plate was used as simplified gate structure, since the focus was on reaction forces rather than behaviour of gate itself. The analyses include both static and dynamic cases using analytical and numerical methods to emphasize the difference between both approaches, and provide some practical hints for engineers. The comprehensive study of reaction forces presented here, cover four different boundary conditions and three length to width ratios. Moreover, the effect of explosive charge and stand-off distance on reaction forces was also covered. The analyses presented can be used for a future design of a possible \"blast absorbing supporting frame\" which will increase the absorbing properties of the gate. This in return, may lead to lighter and more operational blast resistant gates.

Key Words
blast resistant gates; reaction forces; ConWep

Hasan Al-Rifaie and Wojciech Sumelka: Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Engineering, Piotrowo 5, 60-965 Poznan, Poland

Through the use of finite element analysis and acoustic emission techniques we have evaluated the interfacial failure of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) repair patch on a notched aluminum substrate. The repair of cracks is a very common and widely used practice in the aeronautics field to extend the life of cracked sheet metal panels. The process consists of adhesively bonding a patch that encompasses the notched site to provide additional strength, thereby increasing life and avoiding costly replacements. The mechanical strength of the bonded joint relies mainly on the bonding of the adhesive to the plate and patch stiffness. Stress concentrations at crack tips promote disbonding of the composite patch from the substrate, consequently reducing the bonded area, which makes this a critical aspect of repair effectiveness. In this paper we examine patch disbonding by calculating the influence of notch tip stress on disbond area and verify computational results with acoustic emission (AE) measurements obtained from specimens subjected to uniaxial tension. The FE results showed that disbonding first occurs between the patch and the substrate close to free edge of the patch followed by failure around the tip of the notch, both highest stress regions. Experimental results revealed that cement adhesion at the aluminum interface was the limiting factor in patch performance. The patch did not appear to strengthen the aluminum substrate when measured by stress-strain due to early stage disbonding. Analysis of the AE signals provided insight to the disbond locations and progression at the metaladhesive interface. Crack growth from the notch in the aluminum was not observed until the stress reached a critical level, an instant before final fracture, which was unaffected by the patch due to early stage disbonding. The FE model was further utilized to study the effects of patch fiber orientation and increased adhesive strength. The model revealed that the effectiveness of patch repairs is strongly dependent upon the combined interactions of adhesive bond strength and fiber orientation.

Key Words
bonded/unbonded prestressing; composites; crack/damage detection/identification; finite element method (FEM); simulation

Sahli Abderahmane, Bouziane M. Mokhtar, Benbarek Smail, Bachir Bouiadjra Belabbes and Serier Boualem: Laboratoire Mécanique Physique des Matériaux (LMPM), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria
Steven F. Wayne, Liang Zhang: Medical Acoustic Laboratory, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA

Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) has recently been applied as an alternative to conventional concrete in construction due to its extremely high compressive and tensile strength, and enhanced durability. However, up to date, there has been insufficient information regarding the confinement behavior of UHPC columns. Therefore, this study aims to perform an assessment of axial stress-strain model for UHPC confined by circular steel tube stub columns. The equations for calculating the confined peak stress and its corresponding strain of confined concrete in existing models suggested by Johansson (2002), Sakino et al. (2004), Han et al. (2005), Hatzigeorgiou (2008) were modified based on the regression analysis of test results in Schneider (2006) in order to increase the prediction accuracy for the case of confined UHPC. Furthermore, a new axial stress-strain model for confined UHPC was developed. To examine the suitability of the modified models and the proposed model for confined UHPC, axial stress-strain curves derived from the proposed models were compared with those obtained from previous test results. After validating the proposed model, an extensive parametric study was undertaken to investigate the effects of diameter-to-thickness ratio, steel yield strength and concrete compressive strength on the complete axial stress-strain curves, the strength and strain enhancement of UHPC confined by circular steel tube stub columns.

Key Words
UHPC; confined concrete; steel tube; axial stress-strain model; confinement

An Le Hoang: Division of Construction Computation, Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Structural Engineering, University of Kassel, Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 3, 34125, Kassel, Germany

This paper presents an experimental study on the behavior of axially-loaded steel RHS (rectangular hollow section) compression members that are partially reinforced along their lengths with welded steel plates. 28 slender column tests were carried out to investigate the effects of the slenderness ratio of the unreinforced member and the ratio of the reinforced length of the member to its entire length. In addition to the slender column tests, 14 stub-column tests were conducted to determine the basic mechanical properties of the test specimens under uniform compression. Test results show that both the compressive strength and stiffness of an RHS member can be increased significantly compared to its unreinforced counterpart even when only the central quarter of the member is reinforced. Based on the limited test data, it can be concluded that partial reinforcement is, in general, more effective in members with larger slenderness ratios. A simple design expression is also proposed to predict the compressive strength of RHS columns partially reinforced along their length with welded steel plates by modifying the provisions of AISC 360-10 to account for the partial reinforcement.

Key Words
buckling; nonuniform member; partial reinforcement; rectangular hollow section (RHS); stepped column; steel; strengthening

Seval Pinarbasi: Department of Civil Engineering, Kocaeli University, Umuttepe Campus, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey

In this article, hygro-thermo-mechanical vibration and buckling of exponentially graded (EG) nanoplates resting on two-parameter Pasternak foundations are studied using the four-unknown shear deformation plate theory. The material properties are presumed to change only in the thickness direction of the EG nanoplate according to two exponential laws distribution. The boundary conditions of the nanoplate may be simply supported, clamped, free or combination of them. To consider the small scale effect on forced frequencies and buckling, Eringen\'s differential form of nonlocal elasticity theory is employed. The accuracy of the present study is investigated considering the available solutions in literature. A detailed analysis is executed to study the influences of the plate aspect ratio, side-to-thickness ratio, temperature rise, moisture concentration and volume fraction distributions on the vibration and buckling of the nanoplates.

Key Words
nonlocal theory; exponentially graded nanoplate; hygro-thermo-mechanical loads; boundary conditions; vibration; buckling

Mohammed Sobhy: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, King Faisal University, P.O. Box 400, Hofuf, 31982, Saudi Arabia; Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt

The micropile has been mainly used under the concept of supplementing structural support or reinforcing soft ground. For the micropiled-raft system which uses a micropile and a raft in combination in particular, it is generally considered as ground reinforcement rather than foundation components considering the bearing capacity of the micropile in many cases. In this study, the bearing capacity mechanism of the micropiled-raft system is investigated through a physical model test and numerical method. The numerical results have shown that not only the slender-pile-effect of the micropile, but also the ground reinforcement effect, increase the bearing capacity considerably. The bearing capacity formula of the micropiled-raft system is derived based on the failure mechanism obtained through model tests. The formula is verified and proposed as a design chart.

Key Words
bearing capacity; micropile; micropiled-raft; numerical analysis; model test; failure mechanism

Tae-Hyun Hwang, Kang-Hyun Kim and Jong-Ho Shin: Department of Civil Engineering, Konkuk University, 120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05029, Republic of Korea

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