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Volume 7, Number 1, January 2020

In this paper, a new model-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) method for an agile supersonic flight vehicle is presented. A nonlinear model, controlled by a classical closed loop controller and proportional navigation guidance in interception scenario, describes the behavior of the vehicle. The proposed FDD method employs the Inertial Navigation System (INS) data and nonlinear dynamic model of the vehicle to inform fins damage to the controller before leading to an undesired performance or mission failure. Broken, burnt, unactuated or not opened control surfaces cause a drastic change in aerodynamic coefficients and consequently in the dynamic model. Therefore, in addition to the changes in the control forces and moments, system dynamics will change too, leading to the failure detection process being encountered with difficulty. To this purpose, an equivalent aerodynamic model is proposed to express the dynamics of the vehicle, and the health of each fin is monitored by the value of a parameter which is estimated using an adaptive robust filter. The proposed method detects and isolates fins damages in a few seconds with good accuracy.

Key Words
fin failure detection and diagnosis; model aided inertial navigation; parameter estimation; adaptive robust unscented Kalman filter; missile aerodynamics

Asghar Ashrafifar and Mohsen Fathi Jegarkandi: Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

In the present study, a fifth-order shear and normal deformation theory using a polynomial function in the displacement field is developed and employed for the static analysis of laminated composite and sandwich simply supported spherical shells subjected to sinusoidal load. The significant feature of the present theory is that it considers the effect of transverse normal strain in the displacement field which is eliminated in classical, first-order and many higher-order shell theories, while predicting the bending behavior of the shell. The present theory satisfies the zero transverse shear stress conditions at the top and bottom surfaces of the shell. The governing equations and boundary conditions are derived using the principle of virtual work. To solve the governing equations, the Navier solution procedure is employed. The obtained results are compared with Reddy\'s and Mindlin\'s theory for the validation of the present theory.

Key Words
shear deformation; transverse normal strain; spherical shell; laminated composite; sandwich; static analysis

Bharti M. Shinde and Atteshamudin S. Sayyad: Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjivani College of Engineering Kopargaon, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra-423603, India

The effect of relaxation times is studied on plane waves propagating through semiconductor half-space medium by using the eigen value approach. The bounding surface of the half-space is subjected to a heat flux with an exponentially decaying pulse and taken to be traction free. Solution of the field variables are obtained in the form of series for a general semiconductor medium. For numerical values, Silicon is considered as a semiconducting material. The results are represented graphically to assess the influences of the thermal relaxations times on the plasma, thermal, and elastic waves.

Key Words
semiconductor material; eigen value approach; elastic waves; focused laser beam; generalized thermoelastic theories

A. Jahangir and F. Tanvir: Department of Mathematics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus 47040, Pakistan

A. M. Zenkour: 1.) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
2.) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt

utomatic trajectory planning is an important task that will have to be performed by truly autonomous vehicles. The main method proposed, for unmanned airplanes to do this, consists in concatenating elementary segments of trajectories such as rectilinear, circular and helical segments. It is argued here that because these cannot be expected to all be flyable at a same constant speed, it is necessary to consider segments on which the airplane accelerates or decelerates. In order to preserve the planning advantages that result from having the speed constant, it is proposed to do all speed changes at maximum deceleration or acceleration, so that they are as brief as possible. The constraints on the load factor, the lift and the power required for the motion are derived. The equation of motion for such accelerated motions is solved numerically. New results are obtained concerning the value of the angle and the speed for which the longest distance and the longest duration glides happen, and then for which the steepest, the fastest and the most fuel economical climbs happen. The values obtained differ from those found in most airplane dynamics textbooks. Example of tables are produced that show how general speed changes can be effected efficiently; showing the time required for the changes, the horizontal distance traveled and the amount of fuel required. The results obtained apply to all internal combustion engine-propeller driven airplanes.

Key Words
airplane accelerated trajectory; inclined rectilinear motion, airplane equation of motion; automatic trajectory planning; gliding; climbing

Gilles Labonté: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

The dynamic coupling between shaker and test-article has been investigated by recent research through the so called Virtual Shaker Testing (VST) approach. Basically a VST model includes the mathematical models of the test-item, of the shaker body, of the seismic mass and the facility vibration control algorithm. The subsequent coupled dynamic simulation even if more complex than the classical hard-mounted sine test-prediction, is a closer representation of the reality and is expected to be more accurate. One of the most remarkable benefits of VST is the accurate quantification of the frequency down-shift (with respect to the hard-mounted value), typically affecting the first lateral resonance of heavy test-items, like medium or large size Spacecraft (S/Cs), once mounted on the shaker. In this work, starting from previous successful VST experiences, the parameters having impact on the frequency shift are identified and discussed one by one. A simplified analytical system is thus defined to propose an efficient and effective way of calculating the lower bound frequency shift through a simple equation. Such equation can be useful to correct the S/C lateral natural frequency measured during the test, in order to remove the contribution attributable to the shaker in use. The so-corrected frequency value becomes relevant when verifying the compliance of the S/C w.r.t. the frequency requirement from the Launcher Authority. Moreover, it allows to perform a consistent post-test correlation of the first lateral natural frequency of S/C FE model.

Key Words
vibration testing; seismic mass; frequency shift; Virtual Shaker Testing

Pietro Nali:Thales Alenia Space, Strada Antica di Collegno, 253, 10146, Turin, Italy

Adriano Calvi: European Space Agency ESA/ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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