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Volume 5, Number 1, March 2016

The bending problem of a functionally graded cantilever beam subjected to uniformly distributed load is investigated. The material properties of the functionally graded beam are assumed to vary continuously through the thickness, according to a power-law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. First, the partial differential equation, which is satisfied by the stress functions for the axisymmetric deformation problem is derived. Then, stress functions are obtained by proper manipulation. A practical example is presented to show the application of the method.

Key Words
functionally graded beam; uniformly distributed load; elastic properties; analytical solution

Tahar Hassaine Daouadji and BelkacemAdim: Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret; département de Génie Civil , BP 78 Zaaroura, 14000 Tiaret, Algérie

In bonded composite repair of aircraft structures, the damage of the adhesive can thus reduce significantly the efficiency and the durability of the bonded composite repair. The adhesive damage models using critical zone have proven their effectiveness due to simplicity and ap-plicability of the damage criteria in these models. The scope of this study is to analyze the effects of the patch thickness and the adhesive thickness on the damage damage in bonded composite repair of aircraft structures by using modified damage zone theory. The obtained results show that, when the thickness of adhesive increases the damage zone increases and the adhesive loses its rigidity, inversely when the patch is reduced the adhesive damage be-comes more significant.

Key Words
composite repair; crack; damage zone theory; cohesive failure; finite element method; dam-age ratio; stress intensity factor

Nour Chafak Ibrahim, Morad Fari Bouanani, Bel Abbes Bachir Bouiadjra and Boualem Serier: LMPM, Department of mechanical engineering, Univresity of Sidi Bel Abbes, BP 89 Cité Ben M

Fire is one of the most destructive powers to which a building structure can be subjected, often exposing concrete elements to elevated temperatures. The relative properties of concrete after such an exposure are of significant importance in terms of the serviceability of buildings. Unraveling the heating history of concrete and different cooling regimes is important for forensic research or to determine whether a fire-exposed concrete structure and its components are still structurally sound or not. Assessment of fire-damaged concrete structures usually starts with visual observation of colour change, cracking and spalling. Thus, it is important to know the effect of elevated temperatures on strength retention properties of concrete. This study reports the effect of elevated temperature on the mechanical properties of the concrete specimen with polypropylene fibres and cooled differently under various regimes. In the heating cycle, the specimen were subjected to elevated temperatures ranging from 200

Key Words
concrete; performance; heating; cooling regimes; polypropylene; strength loss

Subhash C. Yaragal∗ and S. Ramanjaneyulu: Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal – 575 025, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Flexural bending analysis of perfect and imperfect functionally graded materials plates under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading are investigated in this present paper. Due to technical problems during FGM fabrication, porosities and micro-voids can be created inside FGM samples which may lead to the reduction in density and strength of materials. In this investigation, the FGM plates are assumed to have even and uneven distributions of porosities over the plate cross-section. The modified rule of mixture is used to approximate material properties of the FGM plates including the porosity volume fraction. In order the elastic coefficients, thermal coefficient and moisture expansion coefficient of the plate are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction. The elastic foundation is modeled as two-parameter Pasternak foundation. The equilibrium equations are given and a number of examples are solved to illustrate bending response of Metal-Ceramic plates subjected to hygro-thermo-mechanical effects and resting on elastic foundations. The influences played by many parameters are investigated.

Key Words
FGM plate, moisture concentration, thermal field, elastic foundations, higher-order shear deformation theory

Tahar Hassaine Daouadji and BelkacemAdim: Département de génie civil , Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret; BP 78 Zaaroura, 14000 Tiaret, Algérie

Rabia Benferhat: Laboratoire de Géomatériaux , Département de Génie Civil, Université de Chlef, Algérie

This paper describes a study on the effects of Mg2Si(p) addition on the microstructure, porosity, and mechanical properties namely hardness and tensile properties of AA332 composite. Each composite respectively contains 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt% reinforcement particles developed by a stir-casting. The molten composite was stirred at 600 rpm and melted at 900

Key Words
Aluminum Matrix Composite (AMCs); Mg2Si; intermetallic; microstructure; mechanical properties

Fizam Zainon and Ruslizam Daud: Fracture and Damage Research Group, School of Mechatronic Engineering,
Pauh Putra Campus, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia

Khairel Rafezi Ahmad: Electrochemistry of Green Materials Research Group, Center of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), School of Materials Engineering,
Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 02600 Jejawi, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia

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