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Volume 10, Number 3, May 2023

The detonation combustion is a supersonic combustion process follows on shock wave oscillations in detonation tube. In this paper numerical studies are carried out combined effect of blockage ratio and spacing of obstacle on detonation wave propagation of hydrogen-air mixture in pulse detonation combustor. The deflagration to detonation transition of stoichiometric (o=1) fuel-air mixture in channel has been analyzed for effect of blockage ratio (BR)=0.39, 0.51, 0.59, 0.71 with spacing of 2D and 3D. The reactive Navier-Stokes equation is used to solve the detonation wave propagation mechanism in Ansys Fluent platform. The result shows that fully developed detonation wave initiation regime is observed near smaller vortex generator ratio of BR=0.39 inside the combustor. The turbulent rate of reaction has also a great significance role for shock wave structure. However, vortices of rapid detonation wave are appears near thin boundary layer of each obstacle. Finally, detonation combustor demonstrates the superiority of pressure gain combustor with turbulent rate of reaction of 0.6 kg mol/m3-s inside the detonation tube with obstacle spacing of 12 cm, this blockage enhanced the turbulence intensity and propulsive thrust. The successful detonation wave propagation speed is achieved in shortest possible time of 0.031s with a significance magnitude of 2349 m/s, which is higher than Chapman-Jouguet (C-J) velocity of 1848 m/s. Furthermore, stronger propulsive thrust force of 36.82 N is generated in pulse time of 0.031s.

Key Words
computational fluid dynamics; deflagration; detonation wave; pulse detonation combustor; shock wave

Pinku Debnath: Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura, 799046, India
K.M. Pandey: Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, 788010, India

There is a burgeoning demand for minimizing the mass of satellites because of its direct impact on reducing launch-to-orbit cost. This must be done without compromising the structure's efficiency. The present paper introduces a relatively low-cost and easily implementable approach for optimizing structural mass to a maximum natural frequency. The natural frequencies of the satellite are of utmost pertinence to the application requirements, as the sensitive electronic instrumentation and onboard computers should not be affected by the vibrations of the satellite structure. This methodology is applied to a realistic model of Al-Azhar University micro-satellite in partnership with the Egyptian Space Agency. The procedure used in structural design can be summarized in two steps. The first step is to select the most favorable primary structural configuration among several different candidate variants. The nominated variant is selected as the one scoring maximum relative dynamic stiffness. The second step is to use perforation patterns reduce the overall mass of structural elements in the selected variant without changing the weight. The results of the presented procedure demonstrate that the mass reduction percentage was found to be 39% when compared to the unperforated configuration that had the same plate thickness. The findings of this study challenge the commonly accepted notion that isogrid perforations are the most effective means of achieving the goal of reducing mass while maintaining stiffness. Rather, the study highlights the potential benefits of exploring a wider range of perforation unit cells during the design process. The study revealed that rectangular perforation patterns had the lowest efficiency in terms of modal stiffness, while triangular patterns resulted in the highest efficiency. These results suggest that there may be significant gains to be made by considering a broader range of perforation shapes and configurations in the design of lightweight structures.

Key Words
design optimization; finite element analysis; microsatellite; modal analysis; structural design

Ahmad M. Baiomy: Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al Aazhar University, Cairo, Egypt; Egyptian Space Agency, Cairo, Egypt
M. Kassab: Egyptian Space Agency, Cairo, Egypt
B.M. El-Sehily and R.M. El-Kady: Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al Aazhar University, Cairo, Egypt

In order to improve aerodynamic performance of multi-stage axial flow turbines used in aircraft engines, a one-dimensional aerodynamic design and optimization framework is constructed. In the method, flow path is generated by solving mass continuation and energy conservation with loss computed by the Craig & Cox model; Also real gas properties has been taken into consideration. To obtain an optimal result, a multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to optimize the efficiencies and determine values of various design variables; Final design can be selected from obtained Pareto optimal solution sets. A three-stage axial turbine is used to verify the effectiveness of the developed optimization framework, and designs are checked by three-dimensional CFD simulation. Results show that the aerodynamic performance of the optimized turbine has been significantly improved at design point, with the total-to-total efficiency increased by 1.17% and the total-to-static efficiency increased by 1.48%. As for the off-design performance, the optimized one is improved at all working points except those at small mass flow.

Key Words
aerodynamic design and optimization; axial flow turbine; multi-stage; one-dimensional design

Xinyang Yin, Hanqiong Wang, Jinguang Yang, Yan Liu: School of Energy and Power, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116000, China
Yang Zhao: Shenyang Blower Works Group Corporation, Shenyang, 110000, China
Jinhu Yang: Qingdao Institute of Aeronautical Technology, Qingdao, 266000, China

This manuscript is dedicated to deriving the closed form solutions of free vibration of viscoelastic nanobeam embedded in an elastic medium using nonlocal differential Eringen elasticity theory that not considered before. The kinematic displacements of Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko theories are developed to consider the thin nanobeam structure (i.e., zero shear strain/stress) and moderated thick nanobeam (with constant shear strain/stress). To consider the internal damping viscoelastic effect of the structure, Kelvin/Voigt constitutive relation is proposed. The perforation geometry is intended by uniform symmetric squared holes arranged array with equal space. The partial differential equations of motion and boundary conditions of viscoelastic perforated nonlocal nanobeam with elastic foundation are derived by Hamilton principle. Closed form solutions of damped and natural frequencies are evaluated explicitly and verified with prestigious studies. Parametric studies are performed to signify the impact of elastic foundation parameters, viscoelastic coefficients, nanoscale, supporting boundary conditions, and perforation geometry on the dynamic behavior. The closed form solutions can be implemented in the analysis of viscoelastic NEMS/MEMS with perforations and embedded in elastic medium.

Key Words
analytical solutions; dynamic analysis; elastic foundations; Kelvin/Voigt model; perforated nanostructure

Ola A. Siam, Rabab A. Shanab: Engineering Mathematics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519, Egypt
Mohamed A. Eltaher: Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University,
P.O. Box 80204, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Mechanical Design and Production Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, P.O. Box 44519, Zagazig, Egypt
Norhan A. Mohamed: Engineering Mathematics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519, Egypt

In this paper, bending analysis of exponentially varying functionally graded (FG) plate is presented using trigonometric shear deformation theory (TSDT) considering both transverse shear and normal deformation effects. The in-plane displacement field consists of sinusoidal functions in thickness direction to include transverse shear strains and transverse displacement include the effect of transverse normal strain using the cosine function in thickness coordinate. The governing equations and boundary conditions of the theory are derived using the virtual work principle. System of governing equations, for simply supported conditions, Navier's solution technique is used to obtain results. Plate material properties vary across thickness direction according to exponential distribution law. In the current theory, transverse shear stresses are distributed accurately through the plate thickness, hence obviates the need for a shear correction factor. TSDT results are compared with those from other theories to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the present theory. The current theory is in excellent agreement with the semi-analytical theory.

Key Words
trigonometric shear deformation theory, exponential law, functionally graded plate

Sunil S. Yadav, Keshav K. Sangle, Mandar U. Kokane, Sandeep S. Pendhari and Yuwaraj M. Ghugal: Structural Engineering Department, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, H.R Mahajani Marg, Mumbai, 400 019, Maharashtra, India

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