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Volume 81, Number 4, February25 2022

The presence of infill generally neglected in design despite the fact that infill contribution significantly increase the lateral stiffness and strength of the reinforced concrete frame structure. Several experimental studies and computational models have been proposed to capture the rational response of infill-frame interaction at global level. However, limited studies are available on explicit finite element modelling to study the local behavior due to high computation and convergence issues in numerical modelling. In the current study, the computational modelling of RC frames is done with various configurations of infill masonry in terms of types of blocks, lateral loading and reinforcement detailing employed with material nonlinearities, interface contact issues and bond-slip phenomenon particularly near the beam-column joints. To this end, extensive computational modelling of five variant characteristics test specimens extracted from the detailed experimental program available in literature and process through nonlinear static analysis in FEM code, ATENA generally used to capture the nonlinear response of reinforced concrete structures. Results are presented in terms of damage patterns and capacity curves by employing the finest possible detail provided in the experimental program. Comparative analysis shows that good correlation amongst the experimental and numerical simulated results both in terms of capacity and crack patterns.

Key Words
ATENA; bond-slip; finite element modelling; infilled frame; material nonlinearity; micro modelling ;nonlinear static analysis

Aslam F. Mohammad, Fatima Khalid: Department of Civil Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
Rashid A. Khan: Department of Earthquake Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan

This paper presents the Campbell diagram analysis of the rotordynamic system using the full order model (FOM) and the reduced order model (ROM) techniques to determine the critical speeds, identify the stability and reduce the computational time. Due to the spin-speed-dependent matrices (e.g., centrifugal stiffening matrix), several model order reduction (MOR) techniques may be considered, such as the modal superposition (MS) method and the Krylov subspace-based MOR techniques (e.g., Ritz vector (RV), quasi-static Ritz vector (QSRV), multifrequency quasi-static Ritz vector (MQSRV), multifrequency/ multi-spin-speed quasi-static Ritz vector (MMQSRV) and the combined Ritz vector & modal superposition (RV+MS) methods). The proposed MMQSRV method in this study is extended from the MQSRV method by incorporating the rotational-speed-dependent stiffness matrices into the Krylov subspace during the MOR process. Thus, the objective of this note is to respond to the question of whether to use the MS method or the Krylov subspace-based MOR technique in establishing the Campbell diagram of the shaft-disc-blade assembly systems in three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA). The Campbell diagrams produced by the FOM and various MOR methods are presented and discussed thoroughly by computing the norm of relative errors (ER). It is found that the RV and the MS methods are dominant at low and high rotating speeds, respectively. More precisely, as the spinning velocity becomes large, the calculated ER produced by the RV method is significantly increased; in contrast, the ER produced by the MS method is smaller and more consistent. From a computational point of view, the MORs have substantially reduced the time computing considerably compared to the FOM. Additionally, the verification of the 3D FE rotordynamic model is also provided and found to be in close agreement with the existing solutions.

Key Words
Campbell diagram; Krylov subspace; Modal Superposition (MS); Model Order Reduction (MOR); Multifrequency/Multi-spin-Speed Quasi-Static Ritz Vector (MMQSRV); Ritz Vector (RV); rotordynamic

Ty Phuor and GilHo Yoon: School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea

A probabilistic assessment of the seismic-excited buildings with a multiple-tuned-mass-damper (MTMD) system is carried out in the presence of uncertainties of the structural model, MTMD system, and the stochastic model of the seismic excitations. A free search optimization procedure of the individual mass, stiffness and, damping parameters of the MTMD system based on the snap-drift cuckoo search (SDCS) optimization algorithm is proposed for the optimal design of the MTMD system. Considering a 10-story structure in three cases equipped with single tuned mass damper (STMS), 5-TMD and 10-TMD, sensitivity analyses are carried out using Sobol' indices based on the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method. Considering different seismic performance levels, the reliability analyses are done using MCS and kriging-based MCS methods. The results show the maximum structural responses are more affected by changes in the PGA and the stiffness coefficients of the structural floors and TMDs. The results indicate the kriging-based MCS method can estimate the accurate amount of failure probability by spending less time than the MCS. The results also show the MTMD gives a significant reduction in the structural failure probability. The effect of the MTMD on the reduction of the failure probability is remarkable in the performance levels of life safety and collapse prevention. The maximum drift of floors may be reduced for the nominal structural system by increasing the TMDs, however, the complexity of the MTMD model and increasing its corresponding uncertainty sources can be caused a slight increase in the failure probability of the structure.

Key Words
multiple tuned mass dampers; passive devices; probabilistic assessment; reliability analysis; sensitivity analysis; structural control

Sadegh Etedali: Department of Civil Engineering, Birjand University of Technology, P.O. Box 97175-569, Birjand, Iran

The paper studies the dispersion and attenuation of propagating waves in the "plate+compressible viscous fluid layer" system in the case where the fluid layer flow is restricted with a rigid wall, and in the case where the fluid layer has a free face. The motion of the plate is described by the exact equations of elastodynamics and the flow of the fluid by the linearized Navier-Stokes equations for compressible barotropic Newtonian viscous fluids. Analytical expressions are obtained for the amplitudes of the sought values, and the dispersion equation is derived using the corresponding boundary and compatibility conditions. To find the complex roots of the dispersion equation, an algorithm based on equating the modulus of the dispersion determinant to zero is developed. Numerical results on the dispersion and attenuation curves for various pairs of plate and fluid materials under different fluid layer face conditions are presented and discussed. Corresponding conclusions on the influence of the problem parameters on the dispersion and attenuation curves are made and, in particular, it is established that the change of the free face boundary condition with the impermeability condition can influence the dispersion and attenuation curves not only in the quantitative, but also in the qualitative sense.

Key Words
attenuation; compressible viscous fluid; dispersion; Quasi-Lamb waves; Scholte waves; wave propagation

Surkay D. Akbarov: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey; Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
Mesut Negin: Department of Civil Engineering, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey

A finite element method analysis framework is introduced for the free vibration analyses of functionally graded porous beam structures by employing two variables trigonometric shear deformation theory. Both Young's modulus and material density of the FGP beam element are simultaneously considered as grading through the thickness of the beam. The finite element approach is developed using a nonlocal strain gradient theory. The governing equations derived here are solved introducing a 3-nodes beam element. A comprehensive parametric study is carried out, with a particular focus on the effects of various structural parameters such as the dispersion patterns of GPL reinforcements and porosity, thickness ratio, boundary conditions, nonlocal scale parameter and strain gradient parameters. The results indicate that porosity distribution and GPL pattern have significant effects on the response of the nanocomposite beams.

Key Words
finite element method; free vibration; functionally graded porous materials; nonlocal strain gradient theory; variational formulation

Abderraouf Messai: Department of Civil Engineering, University Ferhat Abbas SETIF 1, SETIF, Algeria
Lahcene Fortas: MN2I2S Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, Biskra University, Biskra, Algeria
Tarek Merzouki: LISV, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, 10-12 Avenue de l'Europe, 78140 Vélizy, France
Mohammed Sid Ahmed Houari: Laboratoire d

Cycloidal ball planetary transmission (CBPT) has many applications as precision reducer, such as precision machinery and automation drive systems etc. The traditional analytical model of CBPT cannot accurately describe the change of the normal force of meshing points, and thus cannot describe the precise transmission process of meshing pairs. In the paper, a method for deriving the normal force equation is put forward by using the non-linear relationship between force and deformation in elastic mechanics. The two-point contact analytical models of all the meshing pairs are established to obtain the micro-displacement analytical model of CBPT under axial pre-tightening. Then, the non-real-time two-point contact analytical models of all the meshing pairs are further constructed to obtain the normal force expression to determine the critical compression coefficients. Experimental investigations are performed to verify the analytical model using the critical compression coefficients.

Key Words
axial pre-tightening; critical compression coefficient; cycloidal ball planetary transmission; no-backlash; normal force

Ronggang Yang, Naige Wang and Jiawei Xiang: College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, 325035, China

Shear lag phenomenon has long been considered in numerous structural codes; however, the AISC provisions have now no longer proposed any unique equation to calculate the shear lag ratio in bolted connections for angles in general. It is noticeable that, however, codes used in this case are largely conservative and need to be amended. A parametric study consisting of 27 angle sections with equal legs and different with bolted connections was performed to investigate the effects of shear lag on the ultimate tensile capacity of angle members. The main parameters were: steel grade, connection length and eccentricity from the center of the plate, as well as the number of rows of bolts parallel to the applied force. The test results were compared with the predictions of the classical 1-x/l law proposed by Mons and Chesen to investigate its application to quantify the effect of shear lag. A parametric study was performed using valid FE models that cover a wide range of parameters. Finally, based on the numerical results, design considerations were proposed to quantify the effect of shear lag on the ultimate tensile capacity of the tensile members.

Key Words
angle section; bolt connection; net cross section failure; shear lag; tensile members

Lida Shahbazi, Sepideh Rahimi, Mohamad Hoseinzadeh and Ramzan Rezaieaan: Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University - Nour Branch, Nour, Iran

In this article, we have examined the effect of fractional order parameter in a two-dimensional orthotropic magnetothermoelastic solid in generalized thermoelasticity without energy dissipation with fractional order heat transfer in the context of hall current, rotation and two-temperature due to normal force. Laplace and Fourier transform techniques are used to obtain the solution of the problem. The expressions for displacement components, stress components, current density components and conductive temperature are obtained in transformed domain and then in physical domain by using numerical inversion method. The effect of fractional parameter on all the components has been depicted through graphs. Some special cases are also discussed in the present investigation.

Key Words
Fourier transform; fractional order; hall current; Laplace transform; normal force; orthotropic; rotation; twophase- lags; two-temperature

Parveen Lata and Himanshi: Department of Basic and Applied Sciences, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India

Steel-concrete composite segments replacing the conventional reinforced concrete segments can provide the rectangular shield tunnel superiorities on bearing capacity, ductility and economy. A simplified model with high-efficiency on computation is proposed for investigating the nonlinear response of the rectangular tunnel lining composed of composite segments. The simulation model is developed by an assembly of nonlinear fiber beam elements and spring elements to express the transfer mechanism of forces through components of composite segments, and radial joints. The simulation is conducted with the considerations of material nonlinearity and geometric nonlinearity associated with the whole loading process. The validity of the model is evaluated through comparison of the proposed nonlinear simulation with results obtained from the fullscale test of the segmental tunnel lining. Furthermore, a parameter study is conducted by means of the simplified model. The results show that the stiffness of the radial joint at haunch of the ling and the thickness of inner steel plate of segments have remarkable influence on the behaviour of the lining.

Key Words
composite section; nonlinear analysis; rectangular lining; shield tunnel; simplified model

Huiling Zhao: Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai University, 99 Shangda Road, Shanghai, China
Xian Liu, Yong Yuan: State Key Laboratory for Hazard Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China; Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China

The objective of this study is to simulate the flow in pipes with various boundary conditions. Free-pressure fluid model, is used in the pipe based on Navier-Stokes equation. The models are solved by using the numerical method. A problem called "stability of pipes" is used in order to compare frequency and critical fluid velocity. When the initial conditions of problem satisfied the instability conditions, the free-pressure model could accurately predict discontinuities in the solution field. Employing nonlinear strains-displacements, stress-strain energy method the governing equations were derived using Hamilton's principal. Differential quadrature method (DQM) is used for obtaining the frequency and critical fluid velocity. The results of this paper are analyzed by hyperbolic numerical method. Results show that the level of numerical diffusion in the solution field and the range of well-posedness are two important criteria for selecting the two-fluid models. The solutions for predicting the flow variables is approximately equal to the two-pressure model 2. Therefore, the predicted pressure changes profile in the twopressure model is more consistent with actual physics. Therefore, in numerical modeling of gas-liquid two-phase flows in the vertical pipe, the present model can be applied.

Key Words
fluid flow; Navier-Stokes equation; numerical simulation; pipes

Hongjie Gao: Key Laboratory of Urban Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Xinyu Li: Key Laboratory of Urban Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abdolreza Hooshmandi Nezhad: Department of Civil Engineering, Jasb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jasb, Iran
Amir Behshad: Faculty of Technology and Mining, Yasouj University, Choram 75761-59836, Iran

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