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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 81, Number 4, February25 2022 , pages 503-511

Fractional effect in an orthotropic magneto-thermoelastic rotating solid of type GN-II due to normal force
Parveen Lata and Himanshi

    In this article, we have examined the effect of fractional order parameter in a two-dimensional orthotropic magnetothermoelastic solid in generalized thermoelasticity without energy dissipation with fractional order heat transfer in the context of hall current, rotation and two-temperature due to normal force. Laplace and Fourier transform techniques are used to obtain the solution of the problem. The expressions for displacement components, stress components, current density components and conductive temperature are obtained in transformed domain and then in physical domain by using numerical inversion method. The effect of fractional parameter on all the components has been depicted through graphs. Some special cases are also discussed in the present investigation.
Key Words
    Fourier transform; fractional order; hall current; Laplace transform; normal force; orthotropic; rotation; twophase- lags; two-temperature
Parveen Lata and Himanshi: Department of Basic and Applied Sciences, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India

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