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Mini Symposium Organizers

 Those who are interested in organizing a mini symposium (MS) with papers in the areas of their expertise are invited to organize a mini symposium at the ASEM23. A mini symposium may have a single session or multiple sessions with 6-8 papers each. In case of successful organization, the mini symposium organizer’s paper will be considered as an invited paper and he/she will be granted free registration. To organize a mini symposium, please complete the proposal form below and send us your proposal by email.
For Guidelines and Benefits for Session Organizers: [General Guidelines for Mini Symposium (MS) Organizers]

[MS Proposal Form (ASEM23)]

Organized Mini Symposia
Conf. MS Code MS Title Organizer(s)
ISEM 1-1 Advances in Computational Mechanics ㆍPhill-Seung Lee (KAIST)
ICSCS 2-1 Recent advances in steel and composite structures ㆍMahbub Khan (The Univ. of Sydney)
ㆍYuchen Song (The Hong Kong polytechnic Univ.)
ICTCS 3-1 Analysis, Construction and Monitoring Techniques for the Submerged Floating Tunnel System ㆍHyo-Gyoung Kwak (KAIST)
ICTCS 3-2 Civil, Structural and Forensic Engineering of Concrete and Geo-Hydro Systems ㆍThomas Kang (Seoul National Univ.)
ㆍDonghwi Jung (Korea Univ.)
ICSSS 4-1 Smart Structures Technologies and Digital Transformation ㆍHyung-Jo Jung (KAIST)
ㆍSung-Han Sim (SKKU)
ㆍYuanfeng Duan (Zhejiang Univ.)
ICEAS 5-1 Seismic Design, Analysis, and Diagnosis of Concrete Structures ㆍDonghyuk Jung (Korea Univ)
ㆍHajin Choi (Soongsil Univ)
ㆍDeuckhang (DK) Lee (CBNU)
ICEAS 5-2 NU-CBNU-HKNU Mini Symposium ㆍHyunjin Ju (Hankyong National Univ.)
ㆍJong R Kim (Nazarbayev Univ)
ㆍDeuckhang (DK) Lee (CBNU)
ICANR 7-1 Multi-scale Modeling and Machine Learning Applications for Functional Materials Design ㆍSeunghwa Ryu (KAIST)