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Poster Session

Guidelines for Online Poster Presentation


The ASEM21/ANBRE21 Conference will be presented using Zoom web conferencing platform.

1) All posters will be presented in the Zoom from August 24(Tue) to August 26(Thu). and included in the Online Proceeding after the conference.

2) All Poster presenter should provide a one-page Poster PDF.

♦ Please remit your poster file(s) to secretasiat at least 2 weeks prior to the conference. (You should have received an upload link on 20 August) If you have not received the upload links, please contact info@asem21.org / info@anbre21.org.

♦ Name your poster file using your presentation number followed by paper ID.

♦ Follow the sample of poster template on official website.

3) Optional Recorded Two-Minute Video

Poster presenters will be given the option to provide an optional two-minute video describing their poster using Zoom.


Poster Session Schedule

Date : 24(Tue)-26(Thur) August, 2021

Poster Session: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM


Sample of Poster (*This is not the poster standard form)

[To download ASEM21 Logo]

[To download ANBRE21 Logo]