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Volume 25, Number 1, July 2023 |
- Performance of reinforced concrete moment resisting frames in Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake (November 12, 2017, Mw=7.3), Iran Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour and Mehrdad Khajepour
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Abstract; Full Text (1910K) . | pages 1-13. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2023.25.1.001 |
Reinforced concrete (RC) moment frames are used as lateral seismic load resisting systems in mid- and high-rise buildings in different regions of the world. Based on the seismic design provisions and construction details presented in design codes, RC frames with different levels of ductility (ordinary, intermediate, and special) can be designed and constructed. In Iran, there are RC buildings with various uses which have been constructed based on different editions of design codes. The seismic performance of RC structures (particularly moment frames) in real seismic events is of great importance. In this paper, the observations made on damaged RC moment frames after the destructive Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake with a moment magnitude of 7.3 are reported. Different levels of damage from the development of cracks in the structural and non-structural elements to the total collapse of buildings were observed. Furthermore, undesirable failure modes which are not expected in ductile seismicresistant buildings were frequently observed in the damaged buildings. The RC moment frames built based on the previous editions of the design codes showed partial or total collapse in this seismic event. The extensive destruction of RC moment frames compared with the other structural systems (such as braced steel frames and confined masonry buildings) was attributed not only to the deficiencies in the construction practice of these buildings but also to the design procedure. In addition, the failure and collapse of masonry infills in RC moment frames were frequent modes of failure in this seismic event. In this paper, the main reasons related to design practice which led to extensive damage in the RC moment frames and their collapse are addressed.
Key Words
damage; reinforced concrete moment frame; Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake; seismic design; seismic performance; structural elements
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
- A hybrid deep learning model for predicting the residual displacement spectra under near-fault ground motions Mingkang Wei, Chenghao Song and Xiaobin Hu
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Abstract; Full Text (5099K) . | pages 15-26. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2023.25.1.015 |
It is of great importance to assess the residual displacement demand in the performance-based seismic design. In this paper, a hybrid deep learning model for predicting the residual displacement spectra under near-fault (NF) ground motions is proposed by combining the long short-term memory network (LSTM) and back-propagation (BP) network. The model is featured by its capacity of predicting the residual displacement spectrum under a given NF ground motion while considering the effects of structural parameters. To construct this model, 315 natural and artificial NF ground motions were employed to compute the residual displacement spectra through elastoplastic time history analysis considering different structural parameters. Based on the resulted dataset with a total of 9,450 samples, the proposed model was finally trained and tested. The results show that the proposed model has a satisfactory accuracy as well as a high efficiency in predicting residual displacement spectra under given NF ground motions while considering the impacts of structural parameters.
Key Words
deep learning; long short-term memory; near-fault; residual displacement spectrum; structural parameters
Mingkang Wei and Chenghao Song: School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University, No. 8 East Lake South Road, Wuhan 430072, Hubei P.R., China
Xiaobin Hu: 1) School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University, No. 8 East Lake South Road, Wuhan 430072, Hubei P.R., China, 2) Engineering Research Center of Urban Disasters Prevention and Fire Rescue Technology of Hubei Province, No. 8 East Lake South Road, Wuhan 430072, Hubei P.R., China
- Site response analysis using true coupled constitutive models for liquefaction triggering Cristhian C. Mendoza-Bolaños, Andrés Salas-Montoya, Oscar H. Moreno-Torres and Arturo I. Villegas-Andrade
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Abstract; Full Text (4291K) . | pages 27-41. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2023.25.1.027 |
This study focused on nonlinear effective stress site response analysis using two coupled constitutive models, that is, the DM model (Dafalias and Manzari 2004), which incorporated a simple plasticity sand model accounting for fabric change effects, and the PMDY03 model (Khosravifar et al. 2018), that is, a 3D model for earthquake-induced liquefaction triggering and postliquefaction response. A detailed parametric study was conducted to validate the effectiveness of nonlinear site response analysis and porewater pressure (PWP) generation through a true coupled formulation for assessing the initiation of liquefaction at ground level. The coupled models demonstrated accurate prediction of liquefaction triggering, which was in line with established empirical liquefaction triggering relations in published databases. Several limitations were identified in the evaluation of liquefaction using the cyclic stress method, despite its widespread implementation for calculating liquefaction triggering. Variations in shear stiffness, represented by changes in shear wave velocity (Vs1), exerted the most significant influence on site response. The study further indicated that substantial differences in response spectra between nonlinear total stress and nonlinear effective stress analyses primarily occurred when liquefaction was triggered or on the verge of being triggered, as shown by excess PWP ratios approaching unity. These differences diminished when liquefaction occurred towards the later stages of intense shaking. The soil response was predominantly influenced by the higher stiffness values present prior to liquefaction. A key contribution of this study was to validate the criteria used to assess the triggering of level-ground liquefaction using true coupled effective-stress constitutive models, while also confirming the reliability of numerical approximations including the PDMY03 and DM models. These models effectively captured the principal characteristics of liquefaction observed in field tests and laboratory experiments.
Key Words
calibration parameters; CRR; parametric study; porewater pressure; unidirectional shaking
Cristhian C. Mendoza-Bolaños and Andrés Salas-Montoya: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Department of Civil Engineering, Manizales, Colombia
Oscar H. Moreno-Torres: 1) Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Department of Civil Engineering, Manizales, Colombia, 2) Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Department of Civil Engineering, Santa Marta, Colombia, 3) Universidad del Magdalena, Department of Civil Engineering, Santa Marta, Colombia
Arturo I. Villegas-Andrade: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Department of Civil Engineering, Santa Marta, Colombia
- Seismic performance comparison of existing public facilities strengthened with RC jacketing and steel bracing Zu Irfan, Abdullah Abdullah, Azmeri Azmeri, Moch. Afiffuddin and Rifqi Irvansyah
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Abstract; Full Text (2419K) . | pages 43-56. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2023.25.1.043 |
Banda Aceh is one of the areas that sustains the most damage during a natural disaster because it contains so many houses, office buildings, public facilities, and schools. Public structures in coastal areas are highly susceptible to earthquakes, resulting in high casualties and property damage. Several public structures were reconstructed during the reconstruction and rehabilitation period. Because this building is located in an area with a high risk of earthquakes, its capacity must be analyzed initially. Additionally, history indicates that Aceh Province has been struck by numerous earthquakes, including the largest ever recorded in 1983 and the most recent earthquake with a magnitude of 9.3 SR on December 26, 2004. The city of Banda Aceh was devastated by this earthquake, which was followed by a tsunami. The possibility of a large earthquake in Banda Aceh City necessitates that the structures constructed there be resistant to seismic risk. This study's objective was to evaluate the seismic performance of the existing building by applying the method of strengthening the structure in the form of jacketing columns and the addition of steel bracing in order to estimate the performance of the structure using multiple ground motions. Therefore, several public buildings must be analyzed to determine the optimal seismic retrofitting technique.
Key Words
displacement; earthquake; ground motions; RC jacketing; retrofitting; steel bracing
Zu Irfan: Doctor of Engineering Study Program, Syiah Kuala University, Jl. Syech Abdurrauf, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
Abdullah Abdullah, Azmeri Azmeri, Moch. Afiffuddin: Civil Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Jl. Syech Abdurrauf, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
Rifqi Irvansyah: Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC), Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), Jl. Hamzah Fanshuri,
Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
- Improvement of hysteretic constitutive model for reinforcements considering buckling Weng Weipeng, Xie Xu, Wang Tianjiab and Li Shuailing
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Abstract; Full Text (2016K) . | pages 57-67. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2023.25.1.057 |
The buckling of longitudinal reinforcements under seismic loading accelerates the degradation of the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete columns. The traditional hysteretic constitutive model of reinforcement, which does not consider buckling, usually overestimates the seismic performance of pier columns. Subsequent researchers have also proposed many models including the buckling effects. However, the accuracy of these hysteretic constitutive models proposed for simulating the buckling behavior is inadequate. In this study, based on their works, the influence of historical events on buckling is considered, the path of the re-tensioning phase is corrected by adjusting the boundary lines, and the positions of the onset buckling point and compressive buckling path during each buckling deformation are corrected by introducing correction parameters and a boundary line. A modified hysteretic constitutive model is obtained, that can more accurately reflect the buckling behavior of reinforcements. Finally, a series of hysteresis tests of reinforcements with different slenderness ratios were then conducted. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed modified model. Indicating that the modified model can more accurately simulate the equivalent stress-strain relationship of the buckling reinforcement segment.
Key Words
boundary line; earthquake resistant behavior; hysteretic model; nonlinear analysis; reinforcement buckling
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
- Life cycle reliability analyses of deteriorated RC Bridge under corrosion effects Mehmet Fatih Yilmaz
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Abstract; Full Text (1505K) . | pages 69-78. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2023.25.1.069 |
Life-cycle performance analysis of a reinforced concrete box section bridge was generated. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulation with important sampling (IS) was used to simulate the bridge material and load uncertainties. The bridge deterioration model was generated with the basic probabilistic principles and updated according to the measurement data. A genetic algorithm (GA) with the response surface model (RSM) was used to determine the deterioration rate. The importance of health monitoring systems to sustain the bridge to give services economically and reliably and the advantages of fiber-optic sensors for SHM applications were discussed in detail. This study showed that the most effective loss of strength in reinforced concrete box section bridges is corrosion of the reinforcements. Due to reinforcement corrosion, the use of the bridge, which was examined, could not meet the desired strength performance in 25 years, and the need for reinforcement. In addition, it has been determined that long-term health monitoring systems are an essential approach for bridges to provide safe and economical service. Moreover the use of fiber optic sensors has many advantages because of the ability of the sensors to be resistant to environmental conditions and to make sensitive measurements.
Key Words
corrosion; life-cycle reliability; monitoring; non-destructive test; RC bridges
Department of Civil Engineering, Ondokuz May