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Volume 46, Number 5, June10 2013

A new effective model for calculation of the equivalent uniform blast load for non-uniform blast load such as close-in explosion of a one-way square and rectangle reinforced concrete slab is proposed in this paper. The model is then validated using single degree of freedom (SDOF) system with the experiments and blast tests for square slabs and rectangle slabs. Test results showed that the model is accurate in predicting the damage level on the tested RC slabs under the given explosive charge weight and stand-off distance especially for close-in blast load. The results are also compared with those obtained by conventional SDOF analysis and finite element (FE) analysis using solid elements. It is shown that the new model is more accurate than the conventional SDOF analysis and is running faster than the FE analysis.

Key Words
blast load; equivalent load; SDOF; one-way reinforced concrete slab

Wei Wang: Luoyang Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technology, Luoyang 470123, Henan, China; Institute of Technique Physics, College of Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, P.R. China
Duo Zhang, Fangyun Lu: Institute of Technique Physics, College of Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, P.R. China
Ruichao Liu : Luoyang Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technology, Luoyang 470123, Henan, China

One of the most common defects in reinforced concrete bridge decks is corrosion of steel reinforcing bars. This invisible defect reduces the deck stiffness and affects the bridge\'s serviceability. Regular monitoring of the bridge is required to detect and control this type of damage and in turn, minimize repair costs. Because the corrosion is hidden within the deck, this type of damage cannot be easily detected by visual inspection and therefore, an alternative damage detection technique is required. This research develops a non-destructive method for detecting reinforcing bar corrosion. Experimental modal analysis, as a non-destructive testing technique, and finite element (FE) model updating are used in this method. The location and size of corrosion in the reinforcing bars is predicted by creating a finite element model of bridge deck and updating the model characteristics to match the experimental results. The practicality and applicability of the proposed method were evaluated by applying the new technique to a two spans bridge for monitoring steel bar corrosion. It was shown that the proposed method can predict the location and size of reinforcing bars corrosion with reasonable accuracy.

Key Words
concrete bridge; defect detection; model updating; modal analysis; corrosion

Javad Sadeghi : Center of Excellence for Railway Transportation, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran
Farshad Hashemi Rezvani : School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

This paper concerns about the raking damages on the ultimate residual hull girder strength of bulk carriers by applying the modified R-D diagram (advanced method). The limited raking damage scenarios, based on the IMO\'s probability density function of grounding accidents, were carried out by using sampling technique. Recently, innovative method for the evaluation of the structural condition assessment, which covers the residual strength and damage index diagram (R-D diagram), was proposed by Paik et al. (2012). This concept is applied in the present study and modified R-D diagram, which can be considered vessel size effect, is then proposed. Four different types of bulk carrier structures, i.e., Handysize (37K), Supramax (57K), Kamsarmax (82K) and Capesize (181K) by Common Structural Rule (CSR), were applied to draw the general tendency. The ALPS/HULL, intelligent supersize finite element method, was employed for the ultimate longitudinal strength analysis. The obtained empirical formulas will be useful for the condition assessment of bulk carrier structures. It can also cover different sizes of the bulk carriers in terms of ultimate longitudinal strength. Important insights and findings with useful guidelines developed in this study are summarized.

Key Words
raking damage; bulk carriers; ultimate residual longitudinal strength; vertical bending moment

Do Kyun Kim, Su Young Yu and Han Suk Choi: Graduate School of Engineering Mastership, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea

The differential settlements and rotations among footings cannot be avoided when the framefooting-soil system is subjected to seismic/dynamic loading. Also, there may be a situation where column(s) of a building are located near adjoining property line causes eccentric loading on foundation system. The strap beams may be provided to control the rotation of the footings within permissible limits caused due to such eccentric loading. In the present work, the seismic interaction analysis of a three-bay three-storey, space frame-footing-strap beam-soil system is carried out to investigate the interaction behavior using finite element software (ANSYS). The RCC structure and their foundation are assumed to behave in linear manner while the supporting soil mass is treated as nonlinear elastic material. The seismic interaction analyses of space frame-isolated footing-soil and space frame-strap footing-soil systems are carried out to evaluate the forces in the columns. The results indicate that the bending moments of very high magnitude are induced at column bases resting on eccentric footing of frame-isolated footing-soil interaction system. However, use of strap beams controls these moments quite effectively. The soil-structure interaction effect causes significant redistribution of column forces compared to non-interaction analysis. The axial forces in the columns are distributed more uniformly when the interaction effects are considered in the analysis.

Key Words
seismic loading; nonlinear soil; soil-structure interaction; strap footing; space frame; isolated footing

Vivek Garg: Department of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India
Manjeet S. Hora: Department of Applied Mechanics, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India

This paper presents a systematic design and training procedure for the feed-forward backpropagation neural network (NN) modeling of both forward and inverse behavior of a rotary magnetorheological (MR) damper based on experimental data. For the forward damper model, with damper force as output, an optimization procedure demonstrates accurate training of the NN architecture with only current and velocity as input states. For the inverse damper model, with current as output, the absolute value of velocity and force are used as input states to avoid negative current spikes when tracking a desired damper force. The forward and inverse damper models are trained and validated experimentally, combining a limited number of harmonic displacement records, and constant and half-sinusoidal current records. In general the validation shows accurate results for both forward and inverse damper models, where the observed modeling errors for the inverse model can be related to knocking effects in the measured force due to the bearing plays between hydraulic piston and MR damper rod. Finally, the validated models are used to emulate pure viscous damping. Comparison of numerical and experimental results demonstrates good agreement in the post-yield region of the MR damper, while the main error of the inverse NN occurs in the pre-yield region where the inverse NN overestimates the current to track the desired viscous force.

Key Words
experimental validation; inverse MR damper model; rotary MR damper; neural network

Subrata Bhowmik: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby 2800, Denmark
Felix Weber: Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Structural Engineering Research Laboratory, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Jan Hogsberg: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby 2800, Denmark

It is reasonable to assume that reinforced concrete (RC) structures enter the nonlinear range of response during a severe ground motion. Numerical analysis to predict the behaviour therefore must allow for the presence of nonlinear deformations if an accurate estimate of seismic response is aimed. Among the factors contributing to inelastic deformations, the influence of the degradation of the bond slip phenomenon is important. Any rebar slip generates an additional rotation at the end regions of structural members which are not accounted for in a conventional analysis. Although these deformations could affect the seismic response of RC structures considerably, they are often neglected due to the unavailability of suitable models. In this paper, the seismic response of two types of RC structures, designed according to the Iranian concrete code (ABA) and the Iranian seismic code (2800), are evaluated using nonlinear dynamic and static analyses. The investigation is performed using nonlinear dynamic and static pushover analysis considering the deformations due to anchorage slip. The nonlinear analysis results confirm that bond slip significantly influences the seismic behavior of RC structure leading to an increase of lateral deformations by up to 30% depending on the height of building. The outcomes also identify important parameters affecting the extent of this influence.

Key Words
nonlinear dynamic analysis, nonlinear static analysis, bond slip, RC building, seismic performance

Mohammad Mehdi Fallah, Ahmad Shooshtari : Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Civil Engineering Department, Mashhad, Iran
Hamid Reza Ronagh : School of Civil Engineering,, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

Bridges are vital components of the railroads. High speed of travel, the periodic and oscillatory nature of the loads and the comparable vehicle bridge weight ratio distinguish the railway bridges from the road bridges. The close proximity between estimations by some numerical methods and the measured data for the bridge-vehicle dynamic response under the moving load conditions has boosted the confidence in the numerical analyses. However, there is hardly any report regarding the responses of the railway bridges under the effect of the trains entering from the opposite directions while running at unequal speed and having dissimilar geometries. It is the purpose of this article to present an analytical method for the dynamic analysis of the railway bridges under the influence of two opposing series of moving loads. The bridge structural damping and many modes of vibrations are included. The concept of modal superposition is used to solve for the system motion equations. The method of solution is indeed a computer assisted analytical solution. It solves for the system motion equations and gives output in terms of the bridge deflection. Some case studies are also considered for the validation of the proposed method. Furthermore, the effects of varying some parameters such as the distance between the bogies, and the bogie wheelset distance are studied. Also, the conditions of resonance and cancellation in the dynamic response for a variety of vehiclebridge specifications are investigated.

Key Words
railroad bridges; dynamic analysis; railroad vehicles; bridge oscillations; modal superposition; resonance and cancellation

Mohammad Ali Rezvani , Farzad Vesali, Atefeh Eghbali: School of Railway Eng., Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran

The wind load is always the dominant load of cooling tower due to its large size, complex geometry and thin-wall structure. At present, when computing the wind-induced response of the large-scale cooling tower, the wind pressure distribution is obtained based on code regulations, wind tunnel test or computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis, and then is imposed on the tower structure. However, such method fails to consider the change of the wind load with the deformation of cooling tower, which may result in error of the wind load. In this paper, the analysis of the large cooling tower based on the iterative method for wind pressure is studied, in which the advantages of CFD and finite element method (FEM) are combined in order to improve the accuracy. The comparative study of the results obtained from the code regulations and iterative method is conducted. The results show that with the increase of the mean wind speed, the difference between the methods becomes bigger. On the other hand, based on the design of experiment (DOE), an approximate model is built for the optimal design of the large-scale cooling tower by a two-level optimization strategy, which makes use of code-based design method and the proposed iterative method. The results of the numerical example demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method.

Key Words
cooling tower; wind load; structural analysis; optimization design

Gang Li Wen-bin Cao : Department of Engineering Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis of Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116024, China

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