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Volume 9, Number 1, January 2024

Present paper deals with the cost effective design of reinforced concrete building frame employing unified particle swarm optimization (UPSO). A building frame with G+8 stories have been adopted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present algorithm. Effect of seismic loads and wind load have been considered as per Indian Standard (IS) 1893 (Part-I) and IS 875 (Part-III) respectively. Analysis of the frame has been carried out in STAAD Pro software. The design loads for all the beams and columns obtained from STAAD Pro have been given as input of the optimization algorithm. Next, cost optimization of all beams and columns have been carried out in MATLAB environment using UPSO, considering the safety and serviceability criteria mentioned in IS 456. Cost of formwork, concrete and reinforcement have been considered to calculate the total cost. Reinforcement of beams and columns has been calculated with consideration for curtailment and feasibility of laying the reinforcement bars during actual construction. The numerical analysis ensures the accuracy of the developed algorithm in providing the cost optimized design of RC building frame considering safety, serviceability and constructional feasibilities. Further, Monte Carlo simulations performed on the numerical results, proved the consistency and robustness of the developed algorithm. Thus, the present algorithm is capable of giving a cost effective design of RC building frame, which can be adopted directly in construction site without making any changes.

Key Words
cost effective design; RC building frame; seismic load; STAAD Pro; unified particle swarm optimization; wind load

Payel Chaudhuri: Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur -721302, India

Swarup K. Barman: Aerospace Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur -721302291

This paper presents an advanced analytical approach for the design and analysis of fixed offshore structures with soil structure interaction considered. The proposed methodology involves conducting case studies to illustrate and assess the structural response of a structure considering seven different earthquakes, with the primary goal of ensuring there is no global collapse in the structures. The case studies focus on developing a model for structural analysis and its topside, incorporating nonlinear axial and lateral springs to capture soil-pile interaction. Additionally, mass and damping ratios are considered through the use of dashpots in the analyses. Finite Element Software was employed for structural analyses with detailed modeling, with soil spring nodes applied in the entire structure across various depths. After the finite element analysis was carried out, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to quantify and report the effects of different parameters.

Key Words
finite elements; offshore structures; soil-structure interaction; structural response

Ali Sari: Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey

Kasim Korkmaz: Eastern Michigan University, College of Engineering and Technology, Ypsilanti, MI, USA

If the governing differential equation arising from engineering problems is treated as an analytic, continuous and derivable function, it can be expanded by one point as a series of finite numbers. For the function to be zero for each value of its domain, the coefficients of each term of the same power must be zero. This results in a recursive relationship which, after applying the natural conditions or the boundary conditions, makes it possible to obtain the values of the derivatives of the function with acceptable accuracy. The elastoplastic analysis of an inhomogeneous thick sphere of metallic materials with linear variation of the modulus of elasticity, yield stress and Poisson's ratio as a function of radius subjected to internal pressure is presented. The Beltrami-Michell equation is established by combining equilibrium, compatibility and constitutive equations. Assuming axisymmetric conditions, the spherical coordinate parameters can be used as principal stress axes. Since there is no analytical solution, the natural boundary conditions are applied and the governing equations are solved using a proposed new method. The maximum effective stress of the von Mises yield criterion occurs at the inner surface; therefore, the negative sign of the linear yield stress gradation parameter should be considered to calculate the optimal yield pressure. The numerical examples are performed and the plots of the numerical results are presented. The validation of the numerical results is observed by modeling the elastoplastic heterogeneous thick sphere as a pressurized multilayer composite reservoir in Abaqus software. The subroutine USDFLD was additionally written to model the continuous gradation of the material.

Key Words
elastoplastic analysis; internal pressure; mechanical properties variation; novel numerical method; thick sphere

Abbas Heydari: Department of Civil Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran

Owing to these mechanical properties, carbon nanotubes have the potential to be employed in many future devices and nanostructured materials. As an example, high Young modulus accompanied by their low density, makes them a good choice for reinforcing material in composites. Therefore, we empathize and manually derive the results which shows the utilized lemma and criterion are believed effective and efficient for aircraft structural analysis of composite and nonlinear scenarios. To be fair, the experiment by numerical computation and calculations were explained the perfectness of the methodology we provided in the research.

Key Words
carbon nanotube; nanocomposite; nonlocal elasticity; size-dependent properties; stability; Young's modulus

C.C. Hung: Faculty of National Hsin Hua Senior High School, Tainan, Taiwan

T. Nguyen: Ha Tinh University, Dai Nai Ward, Ha Tinh City, Vietnam

C.Y. Hsieh: National Pingtung University Education School, No.4-18, Minsheng Rd., Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900391, Taiwan

The aim of this paper is to remove the rigid body motion in the interior boundary value problem (BVP) of plane elasticity by solving the interior and exterior BVPs simultaneously. First, we formulate the interior and exterior BVPs simultaneously. The tractions applied on the contour in two problems are the same. After adding and subtracting the two boundary integral equations (BIEs), we will obtain a couple of BIEs. In the coupled BIEs, the properties of relevant integral operators are modified, and those integral operators are generally invertible. Finally, a unique solution for boundary displacement of interior region can be obtained.

Key Words
complex variable boundary integral equation; interior boundary value problem; neumann boundary value problem; removal of rigid body motion

Y. Z. Chen: Division of Engineering Mechanics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013 P. R. China

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