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Volume 43, Number 3, May10 2022 (Special Issue) |
- Special Issue on "Research methods for steel and composite infrastructures including forensic investigation" - Part I Thomas Kang and Seungjun Kim
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Abstract; Full Text (78K) . | pages 00i-iii. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.00i |
A variety of research methods are applied for gaining an understanding of the behavior and
failure of steel and composite infrastructures. Experimental, numerical and analytical
investigations are some of the conventional and powerful research methods. Field & forensic
monitoring, non-destructive research and statistical or data-driven approaches are also getting
more attention these days. All of such methods that focus on the steel and composite
infrastructures are included in this special issue of Steel and Composite Structures: An
International Journal, with more of a focus on forensic investigation and engineering. Forensic
engineering of infrastructure is the application of engineering knowledge to the investigation
of failure, collapse and other performance problems of construction facilities and built
environments. Due to various geometric and material complexibility, it is very hard to
investigate the causes, mechanism, and scenario of the failure and collapse of various
infrastructures which may result in serious damage to society. For more precise investigation
of the accidents and effective execution planning against the failures, advanced forensic
engineering and its application based on innovative sensing, analysis, and experiment are
required. The purposes of the special issue are to introduce analyses and experiments related
to the (forensic) engineering of composite super-structures, sub-structures, and integrated
infrastructures, and to promote the forensic practice. All the papers by renowned authors were
reviewed by peer scholars and practitioners. An emphasis of the special issue was on research
methods relevant to forensic investigation of hyper-converged infrastructure.
Key Words
- Design models for predicting shear resistance of studs in solid concrete slabs based on symbolic regression with genetic programming Vitaliy V. Degtyarev, Stephen J. Hicks and Jerome F. Hajjar
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Abstract; Full Text (2980K) . | pages 293-309. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.293 |
Accurate design models for predicting the shear resistance of headed studs in solid concrete slabs are essential for
obtaining economical and safe steel-concrete composite structures. In this study, symbolic regression with genetic programming
(GPSR) was applied to experimental data to formulate new descriptive equations for predicting the shear resistance of studs in
solid slabs using both normal and lightweight concrete. The obtained GPSR-based nominal resistance equations demonstrated
good agreement with the test results. The equations indicate that the stud shear resistance is insensitive to the secant modulus of
elasticity of concrete, which has been included in many international standards following the pioneering work of Ollgaard et al.
In contrast, it increases when the stud height-to-diameter ratio increases, which is not reflected by the design models in the
current international standards. The nominal resistance equations were subsequently refined for use in design from reliability
analyses to ensure that the target reliability index required by the Eurocodes was achieved. Resistance factors for the developed
equations were also determined following US design practice. The stud shear resistance predicted by the proposed models was
compared with the predictions from 13 existing models. The accuracy of the developed models exceeds the accuracy of the
existing equations. The proposed models produce predictions that can be used with confidence in design, while providing
significantly higher stud resistances for certain combinations of variables than those computed with the existing equations given
by many standards.
Key Words
genetic programming; headed studs; machine learning; reliability; shear resistance; steel-concrete composite
structures; symbolic regression
Vitaliy V. Degtyarev:New Millennium Building Systems, Columbia, SC, U.S.A.
Stephen J. Hicks:School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, U.K.
Jerome F. Hajjar:Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, U.S.A.
- Interfacial shear resistance of angle shear connectors welded to concrete filled U-shaped CFS beam Hyoung Seok Oh, Hyeongyeop Shin, Youngkyu Ju and Thomas H.-K. Kang
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Abstract; Full Text (2901K) . | pages 311-325. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.311 |
For multi-story structural systems, Korean steel industry has fostered development of a steel-concrete composite
beam. Configuration of the composite beam is characterized by steel angle shear connectors welded to a U-shaped cold formedsteel beam. Effects of shear connector orientation and spacing were studied to evaluate current application of the angle shear
connector design equation in AC495. For the study, interfacial shear resistance behavior was investigated by conducting 24
push-out tests and attuned using unreinforced push-out specimens. Interfacial shear to horizontal slip response was reported
along with corresponding failure patterns. Pure shear connector strength was also evaluated by excluding concrete shear
contribution, which was estimated in relation to steel beam-slab interface separation or interfacial crack width.
Key Words
aggregate interlocking resistance; angle; channel; cold formed-steel; composite beam; concrete; interfacial
shear strength; push-out test; shear connector; U-shaped section
Hyoung Seok Oh:Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University,
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
Hyeongyeop Shin:Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University,
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
Youngkyu Ju:Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University,
145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
Thomas H.-K. Kang:Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University,
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
- Modeling of composite MRFs with CFT columns and WF beams Ricardo A. Herrera, Teerawut Muhummud, James M. Ricles and Richard Sause
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Abstract; Full Text (4134K) . | pages 327-340. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.327 |
A vast amount of experimental and analytical research has been conducted related to the seismic behavior and
performance of concrete filled steel tubular (CFT) columns. This research has resulted in a wealth of information on the
component behavior. However, analytical and experimental data for structural systems with CFT columns is limited, and the
well-known behavior of steel or concrete structures is assumed valid for designing these systems. This paper presents the
development of an analytical model for nonlinear analysis of composite moment resisting frame (CFT-MRF) systems with CFT
columns and steel wide-flange (WF) beams under seismic loading. The model integrates component models for steel WF beams,
CFT columns, connections between CFT columns and WF beams, and CFT panel zones. These component models account for
nonlinear behavior due to steel yielding and local buckling in the beams and columns, concrete cracking and crushing in the
columns, and yielding of panel zones and connections. Component tests were used to validate the component models. The
model for a CFT-MRF considers second order geometric effects from the gravity load bearing system using a lean-on column.
The experimental results from the testing of a four-story CFT-MRF test structure are used as a benchmark to validate the
modeling procedure. An analytical model of the test structure was created using the modeling procedure and imposeddisplacement analyses were used to reproduce the tests with the analytical model of the test structure. Good agreement was
found at the global and local level. The model reproduced reasonably well the story shear-story drift response as well as the
column, beam and connection moment-rotation response, but overpredicted the inelastic deformation of the panel zone.
Key Words
analytical models; composite moment resisting frames; concrete filled tube columns; earthquake resistant
structures; high strength concretel; high strength steel; nonlinear analysis; steel wide flange beams
Ricardo A. Herrera:Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Chile, Av. Blanco Encalada 2002, Piso 4, 8370449 Santiago, Chile
Teerawut Muhummud:Dept of Civil Technology Education, King Mongkut
- Comparative study between inelastic compressive buckling analysis and Eurocode 3 for rectangular steel columns under elevated temperatures Jihye Seo, Deokhee Won and Seungjun Kim
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Abstract; Full Text (2283K) . | pages 341-351. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.341 |
This paper presents an inelastic buckling behavior analysis of rectangular hollow steel tubes with geometrical
imperfections under elevated temperatures. The main variables are the temperature loads, slenderness ratios, and exposure
conditions at high temperatures. The material and structural properties of steels at different temperatures are based on Eurocode
(EN 1993-1-2, 2005). In the elastic buckling analysis, the buckling strength decreases linearly with the exposure conditions,
whereas the inelastic buckling analysis shows that the buckling strength decreases in clusters based on the exposure conditions
of strong and weak axes. The buckling shape of the rectangular steel column in the elastic buckling mode, which depicts
geometrical imperfection, shows a shift in the position at which bending buckling occurs when the lower section of the member
is exposed to high temperatures. Furthermore, lateral torsional buckling occurs owing to cross-section deformation when the
strong axial plane of the model is exposed to high temperatures. The elastic buckling analysis indicates a conservative value
when the model is exposed to a relatively low temperature, whereas the inelastic buckling analysis indicates a conservative value
at a certain temperature or higher. The comparative results between the inelastic buckling analysis and Eurocode 3 show that a
range exists in which the buckling strength in the design equation result is overestimated at elevated temperatures, and the
shapes of the buckling curves are different.
Key Words
elevated temperature; finite element analysis; nonlinear buckling; rectangular hollow section; slenderness
Jihye Seo:Ocean Engineering Research Division, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology,
385, Haeyang-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan 49111, Republic of Korea
Deokhee Won:Department of Civil Engineering, Halla University, 28, Halladae-gil, Heungeop-myeon, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do 26404, Republic of Korea
Seungjun Kim:School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu,Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
- Enhancing fire resistance of steel bridges through composite action Venkatesh K.R. Kodur and Augusto Gil
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Abstract; Full Text (2208K) . | pages 353-362. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.353 |
Bridge fire hazard has become a growing concern over the last decade due to the rapid increase of ground
transportation of hazardous materials and resulting fire incidents. The lack of fire safety provisions in steel bridges can be a
significant issue owing steel thermal properties that lead to fast degradation of steel properties at elevated temperatures.
Alternatively, the development of composite action between steel girders and concrete decks can increase the fire resistance of
steel bridges and meet fire safety requirements in some applications. This paper reviews the fire problem in steel bridges and the
fire behavior of composite steel-concrete bridge girders. A numerical model is developed to trace the fire response of a typical
bridge girder and is validated using measurements from fire tests. The selected bridge girder is composed by a hot rolled steel
section strengthened with bearing stiffeners at midspan and supports. A concrete slab sitting on the top of the girder is connected
to the slab through shear studs to provide full composite action. The validated numerical model was used to investigate the fire
resistance of real scale bridge girders and the effect of the composite action under different scenarios (standard and hydrocarbon
fires). Results showed that composite action can significantly increase the fire resistance of steel bridge girders. Besides, fire
severity played an important role in the fire behavior of composite girders and both factors should be taken into consideration in
the design of steel bridges for fire safety.
Key Words
advanced analysis; bridge girders; composite structures; fire resistance; numerical models
Venkatesh K.R. Kodur and Augusto Gil: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University,
3574 Engineering Building, 428 S. Shaw Lane, East Lansing/MI, USA - 48823
- Comparative study on the structural behavior of a transition piece for offshore wind turbine with jacket support Chuan Ma and Goangseup Zi
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Abstract; Full Text (2775K) . | pages 363-373. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.363 |
As a key reinforcement connection between a tower and a substructure in offshore wind turbine system, the
transition piece is inevitably subjected to cyclic dynamic environmental loads such as wind, current and wave. Therefore, well
designed transition piece with high strength and good fatigue resistance is of great significance to the structural safety and
reliability of offshore wind power systems. In this study, the structural behavior of the transition piece was studied by an
extensive sets of finite element analyses. Three widely used types of transition piece were considered. The characteristics of
stress development, fatigue life and weight depending on the type of the transition piece were investigated in the ultimate limit
state (ULS) and the fatigue limit state (FLS) of a 5-MW offshore wind turbine to be placed in Korea. An optimal form of the
transition piece was proposed based on this parametric study.
Key Words
finite element analysis; offshore wind turbine; optimal form; transition piece; ULS and FLS
Chuan Ma and Goangseup Zi:School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea
- Seismic assessment of Nitinol Belleville Elastic Nonlinear (NI-BELL-E-N) structural system Alireza Asgari Hadad and Bahram M Shahrooz
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Abstract; Full Text (2976K) . | pages 375-388. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.375 |
Nibellen structural system is a novel resilient bracing system based on the application of Bellville disks and Nitinol
rods. The cyclic behavior of Nibellen assembly was obtained, and the design equations were developed based on the available
literature. Seismic performance of the system was then studied analytically. Two groups of buildings with different lateral force
resisting systems were designed and studied: one group with the Nibellen system, and the other with the special concentrically
braced frame system. Each building group consisted of 5-, 10-, and 15-story buildings. The Design-Base-Event (DBE) and
Maximum Considered Event (MCE) were considered as the seismic hazard, and a suite of seven ground motions were scaled
accordingly for response history analyses. Finally, the resiliency of the buildings was studied by obtaining the functionality curve
of the buildings before and after the seismic event. The construction cost of the 5-story building with Nibellen bracing system
increased but the post-earthquake cost decreased significantly. The application of Nibellen system in the 10- and 15-story
buildings reduced both the construction and repair costs, considerably. Resiliency of all the buildings was improved when
Nibellen system was used as the lateral force resisting system.
Key Words
cost estimation; hazard analysis; nibellen system; resiliency; structural bracing system; special
concentrically braced frame
Alireza Asgari Hadad:GEI Consultants, Inc. 109 W. Baraga Avenue, 49855, Marquette, Michigan, USA
Bahram M Shahrooz:Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, University of Cincinnati,
2600 Clifton Ave, 45221, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
- Flowability and mechanical characteristics of self-consolidating steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete Jiho Moon, Kwang Soo Youm, Jong-Sub Lee and Tae Sup Yun
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Abstract; Full Text (2670K) . | pages 389-401. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.389 |
This study investigated the flowability and mechanical properties of cost-effective steel fiber reinforced ultra-high
performance concrete (UHPC) by using locally available materials for field-cast application. To examine the effect of mixture
constituents, five mixtures with different fractions of silica fume, silica powder, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS),
silica sand, and crushed natural sand were proportionally prepared. Comprehensive experiments for different mixture designs
were conducted to evaluate the fresh- and hardened-state properties of self-consolidating UHPC. The results showed that the
proposed UHPC had similar mechanical properties compared with conventional UHPC while the flow retention over time was
enhanced so that the field-cast application seemed appropriately cost-effective. The self-consolidating UHPC with high
flowability and low viscosity takes less total mixing time than conventional UHPC up to 6.7 times. The X-ray computed
tomographic imaging was performed to investigate the steel fiber distribution inside the UHPC by visualizing the spatial
distribution of steel fibers well. Finally, the tensile stress-strain curve for the proposed UHPC was proposed for the
implementation to the structural analysis and design.
Key Words
flowability; mechanical property; spatial distribution; steel fiber; tensile stress-strain curve; X-ray CT
Jiho Moon:Department of Civil Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea
Kwang Soo Youm:GS Construction & Engineering, 33 Jong-ro, Jongro-gu, Seoul 03159, Republic of Korea
Jong-Sub Lee:3School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
Tae Sup Yun:School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei-ro 50, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
- Vibration behaviour of cold-formed steel and particleboard composite flooring systems Suleiman A. AL Hunaity, Harry Far and Ali Saleh
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Abstract; Full Text (2089K) . | pages 403-417. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.43.3.403 |
Recently, there has been an increasing demand for buildings that allow rapid assembly of construction elements,
have ample open space areas and are flexible in their final intended use. Accordingly, researchers have developed new
competitive structures in terms of cost and efficiency, such as cold-formed steel and timber composite floors, to satisfy these
requirements. Cold-formed steel and timber composite floors are light floors with relatively high stiffness, which allow for
longer spans. As a result, they inherently have lower fundamental natural frequency and lower damping. Therefore, they are
likely to undergo unwanted vibrations under the action of human activities such as walking. It is also quite expensive and
complex to implement vibration control measures on problematic floors. In this study, a finite element model of a composite
floor reported in the literature was developed and validated against four-point bending test results. The validated FE model was
then utilised to examine the vibration behaviour of the investigated composite floor. Predictions obtained from the numerical
model were compared against predictions from analytical formulas reported in the literature. Finally, the influence of various
parameters on the vibration behaviour of the composite floor was studied and discussed.
Key Words
cold-formed steel; composite flooring systems; finite element method; floor vibrations; modal analysis;
natural frequency
Suleiman A. AL Hunaity, Harry Far and Ali Saleh: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology,
University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia