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Volume 20, Number 2, February10 2016

The objective of this work is to present a zeroth-order shear deformation theory for free vibration analysis of functionally graded (FG) nanoscale plates resting on elastic foundation. The model takes into consideration the influences of small scale and the parabolic variation of the transverse shear strains across the thickness of the nanoscale plate and thus, it avoids the employ use of shear correction factors. Also, in this present theory, the effect of transverse shear deformation is included in the axial displacements by using the shear forces instead of rotational displacements as in available high order plate theories. The material properties are supposed to be graded only in the thickness direction and the effective properties for the FG nanoscale plate are calculated by considering Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. The equations of motion are obtained using the nonlocal differential constitutive expressions of Eringen in conjunction with the zeroth-order shear deformation theory via Hamilton's principle. Numerical results for vibration of FG nanoscale plates resting on elastic foundations are presented and compared with the existing solutions. The influences of small scale, shear deformation, gradient index, Winkler modulus parameter and Pasternak shear modulus parameter on the vibration responses of the FG nanoscale plates are investigated.

Key Words
nonlocal elasticity theory; nanoscale-plates; free vibration; plate theory; functionally graded materials

(1) Fatima Bounouara, Kouider Halim Benrahou, Ismahene Belkorissat, Abdelouahed Tounsi:
Material and Hydrology Laboratory, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Faculty of Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Algeria;
(2) Abdelouahed Tounsi:
Laboratoire des Structures et Matériaux Avancés dans le Génie Civil et Travaux Publics, Université de Sidi Bel Abbes, Faculté de Technologie, Département de génie civil, Algérie;
(3) Abdelouahed Tounsi:
Laboratoire de Modélisation et Simulation Multi-échelle, Departement de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Exactes, Département de Physique, Université de Sidi Bel Abbés, Algeria;
(4) Abdelouahed Tounsi:
Algerian National Thematic Agency of Research in Science and Technology (ATRST), Algeria.

The paper combines two distinct parts. First the behavior of welded headed studs with small diameters of 10 and 13 mm acting as shear connectors (which are not embraced in current standards) is studied. Based on standard push tests the load-slip relationships and strengths are evaluated. While the current standard (Eurocode 4 and AISC) formulas used for such studs give reasonable but too conservative strengths, less conservative and full loadslip rigidities are evaluated and recommended for a subsequent investigation or design. In the second part of the paper the partially encased beams under bending are analyzed. Following former experiments showing rather indistinct role of studs used for shear connection in such beams their role is studied. Numerical model employing ANSYS software is presented and validated using former experimental data. Subsequent parametric studies investigate the longitudinal shear between steel and concrete parts of the beams with respect to friction at the steel and concrete interface and contribution of studs with small diameters required predominantly for assembly stages (concreting). Substantial influence of the friction and effect of concrete confinement was observed with rather less noticeable contribution of the studs. Distribution of the longitudinal shear and its sharing between friction and studs is presented with concluding remarks.

Key Words
composite beams; nonlinear behavior; numerical modeling; partially encased beams; push-out tests; shear transfer; small studs

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thakurova 7, 16629 Prague, Czech Republic.

It is well known that, in order to accurately predict the behaviour of steel structures a requirement the definition of the mechanical behaviour of beam-to column joints is of primary importance. This goal can be achieved by means of the so-called component method, which, in order to obtain the whole behaviour of connections, provides to break up joints in basic components of deformability and resistance. One of the main joint components used to model bolted connections is the so-called equivalent T-stub in tension, which is normally used to predict the behaviour of bolted plates in bending starting from the behaviour of the single bolt rows. In past decades, significant research efforts have been devoted to the prediction of the behaviour of bolted T-stubs but, to date, no particular attention has been devoted to the characterization of their plastic deformation capacity. To this scope, the work presented in this paper, taking into account the existing technical literature, proposes a new theoretical model for predicting the whole behaviour up to failure of bolted T-stubs under monotonic loading conditions, including some complexities, such as the bolt/plate compatibility requirement and the bolt fracture, which are necessary to accurately evaluate the ultimate displacement. After presenting the advances of the proposed approach, a comparison between theoretical and experimental results is provided in order to verify its accuracy.

Key Words
bolted T-stubs; theoretical model; ductility; steel connections

Department of Civil Engineering, Salerno University, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084 Fisciano SA, Italy.

This paper presents the results of experimental investigation, numerical calculation and theoretical analysis on axial compression ratio limit values for steel reinforced concrete (SRC) special shaped columns. 17 specimens were firstly intensively carried out to investigate the hysteretic behavior of SRC special shaped columns subjected to a constant axial load and cyclic reversed loads. Two theories were used to calculate the limits of axial compression ratio for all the specimens, including the balanced failure theory and superposition theory. It was found that the results of balanced failure theory by numerical integration method cannot conform the reality of test results, while the calculation results by employing the superposition theory can agree well with the test results. On the basis of superposition theory, the design limit values of axial compression ratio under different seismic grades were proposed for SRC special shaped columns.

Key Words
steel reinforced concrete (SRC); special shaped column; axial compression ratio; limit; hysteretic behavior; balanced failure theory; superposition theory; numerical integration

(1) Zongping Chen, Jinjun Xu, Yuliang Chen, Jianyang Xue:
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004, P.R. China;
(2) Zongping Chen:
Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Structural Safety of Chinese Education Ministry, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004, P.R. China.

Concentrically braced steel frames (CBFs) can be optimised during the seismic design process by using lateral loading distributions derived from the concept of uniform damage distribution. However, it is not known how such structures are affected by uncertainties. This study aims to quantify and manage the effects of structural and ground-motion uncertainty on the seismic performance of optimum and conventionally designed CBFs. Extensive nonlinear dynamic analyses are performed on 5, 10 and 15-storey frames to investigate the effects of storey shearstrength and damping ratio uncertainties by using the Monte Carlo simulation method. For typical uncertainties in conventional steel frames, optimum design frames always exhibit considerably less inter-storey drift and cumulative damage compared to frames designed based on IBC-2012. However, it is noted that optimum structures are in general more sensitive to the random variation of storey shear-strength. It is shown that up to 50% variation in damping ratio does not affect the seismic performance of the optimum design frames compared to their code-based counterparts. Finally, the results indicate that the ground-motion uncertainty can be efficiently managed by optimizing CBFs based on the average of a set of synthetic earthquakes representing a design spectrum. Compared to code-based design structures, CBFs designed with the proposed average patterns exhibit up to 54% less maximum inter-storey drift and 73% less cumulative damage under design earthquakes. It is concluded that the optimisation procedure presented is reliable and should improve the seismic performance of CBFs.

Key Words
Monte Carlo simulation; optimum seismic design; concentrically braced frame; seismic performance; non-linear behaviour

(1) Iman Hajirasouliha, Kypros Pilakoutas:
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;
(2) Reza K. Mohammadi:
Civil Engineering Department, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Steel coupling beam in reinforced concrete (RC) coupled shear wall system is a proper substitute for deep concrete coupling beam. Previous studies have shown that RC coupled walls with steel or concrete coupling beam designed with strength-based design approach, may not guarantee a ductile behavior of a coupled shear wall system. Therefore, seismic performance evaluation of RC coupled shear wall with steel or concrete coupling beam designed based on a strength-based design approach is essential. In this paper first, buildings with 7, 14 and 21 stories containing RC coupled shear wall system with concrete and steel coupling beams were designed with strength-based design approach, then performance level of these buildings were evaluated under two spectrum; Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) and Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE). The performance level of LS and CP of all buildings were satisfied under DBE and MCE respectively. In spite of the steel coupling beam, concrete coupling beam in RC coupled shear wall acts like a fuse under strong ground motion.

Key Words
reinforced concrete coupled shear wall; concrete and steel coupling beam; performance based evaluation; nonlinear analysis

(1) Habib Akbarzadeh Bengar:
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran;
(2) Roja Mohammadalipour Aski:
Department of Civil Engineering, Shomal University, Amol, Iran.

The progressive collapse phenomenon in structures has been interested by civil engineers and the building standards organizations. This is particularly true for the tall and special buildings ever since local collapse of the Ronan Point tower in UK in 1968. When initial or secondary defects of main load carrying elements, overloads or unpredicted loads occur in the structure, a local collapse may be arise that could be distributed through entire structure and cause global collapse. One is not able to prevent the reason of failure as well as the prevention of propagation of the collapse. Also, one is not able to predict the start point of collapse. Therefore we should generalize design guides to whole or the part of structure based on the risk analysis and use of load carrying elements removal scenario. There are some new guides and criteria for elements and connections to be designed to resist progressive collapse. In this paper, codes and recommendations by various researchers are presented, classified and compared for steel structures. Two current design methods are described in this paper and some retrofitting methods are summarized. Finally a steel building with special moment resistant frame is analyzed as a case study based on two standards guidelines. This includes consideration of codes recommendations. It is shown that progressive collapse potential of the building depends on the removal scenario selection and type of analysis. Different results are obtained based on two guidelines.

Key Words
progressive collapse; steel frame structures; direct and indirect design; AP method; retrofitting methods

Department of civil engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Due to creep and shrinkage of the concrete core, concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) arches continue to deform in the long-term under sustained loads. This paper presents analytical investigations of the effects of geometric nonlinearity on the long-term in-plane structural performance and stability of three-pinned CFST circular arches under a sustained uniform radial load. Non-linear long-term analysis is conducted and compared with its linear counterpart. It is found that the linear analysis predicts long-term increases of deformations of the CFST arches, but does not predict any long-term changes of the internal actions. However, non-linear analysis predicts not only more significant long-term increases of deformations, but also significant long-term increases of internal actions under the same sustained load. As a result, a three-pinned CFST arch satisfying the serviceability limit state predicted by the linear analysis may violate the serviceability requirement when its geometric nonlinearity is considered. It is also shown that the geometric nonlinearity greatly reduces the long-term in-plane stability of three-pinned CFST arches under the sustained load. A three-pinned CFST arch satisfying the stability limit state predicted by linear analysis in the long-term may lose its stability because of its geometric nonlinearity. Hence, non-linear analysis is needed for correctly predicting the long-term structural behaviour and stability of three-pinned CFST arches under the sustained load. The non-linear long-term behaviour and stability of three-pinned CFST arches are compared with those of twopinned counterparts. The linear and non-linear analyses for the long-term behaviour and stability are validated by the finite element method.

Key Words
CFST arch; crown-pin; linear; non-linear; stability

Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.

This paper evaluates the seismic response of three dimensional steel space buildings using the spread plastic hinge approach. A numerical study was carried out in which a sample steel space building was selected for pushover analysis and incremental nonlinear dynamic time history analysis. For the nonlinear analysis, three earthquake acceleration records were selected to ensure compatibility with the design spectrum defined in the Turkish Earthquake Code. The interstorey drift, capacity curve, maximum responses and dynamic pushover curves of the building were obtained. The analysis results were compared and good correlation was obtained between the idealized dynamic analyses envelopes with and static pushover curves for the selected building. As a result to more accurately account response of steel buildings, dynamic pushover envelopes can be obtained and compared with static pushover curve of the building.

Key Words
spread plastic hinge; static pushover analysis; steel building; incremental nonlinear dynamic time history analysis

Dicle University Civil Engineering Department, Diyarbakır, Turkey.

A theoretical method to predict the interfacial stresses in the adhesive layer of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with externally bonded carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) plate is presented. The analysis provides efficient calculations for both shear and normal interfacial stresses in reinforced concrete beams strengthened with composite plates, and accounts for various effects of Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus of adhesive. Such interfacial stresses play a fundamental role in the mechanics of plated beams, because they can produce a sudden and premature failure. The analysis is based on equilibrium and deformations compatibility approach developed by Tounsi. In the present theoretical analysis, the adherend shear deformations are taken into account by assuming a parabolic shear stress through the thickness of both the reinforced concrete beam and bonded plate. The paper is concluded with a summary and recommendations for the design of the strengthened beam.

Key Words
FRP composites; interfacial stresses; reinforced concrete beam; strengthening; adhesive

(1) Lazreg Hadji, T. Hassaine Daouadji, M. Ait Amar Meziane:
Université Ibn Khaldoun, BP 78 Zaaroura, 14000 Tiaret, Algérie;
(2) Hassaine Daouadji, M. Ait Amar Meziane, E.A. Adda Bedia:
Laboratoire des Matériaux & Hydrologie, Université de Sidi Bel Abbes, 22000 Sidi Bel Abbes, Algérie.

Seismic behavior of new composite structural system with a fabricated floor was studied. A two-bay and three-story structural model with the scale ratio of 1/4 was consequently designed. Based on the proposed model, multiple factors including energy dissipation capacity, stiffness degradation and deformation performance were analyzed through equivalent single degree of freedom pseudo-dynamic test with different earthquake levels. The results show that, structural integrity as well as the effective transmission of the horizontal force can be ensured by additional X bracing at the bottom of the rigidity of the floor without concrete topping. It is proved that the cast-in-place floor in areas with high seismic intensity can be replaced by the prefabricated floor without pouring surface layer. The results provide a reliable theoretical basis for the seismic design of the similar structural systems in engineering application.

Key Words
frame-shear wall structure; fabricated floor; pseudo-dynamic test; seismic behavior

(1) Chun Han, Qingning Li, Weishan Jiang, Junhong Yin, Lei Yan:
College of Civil Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an, P.R. China;
(2) Chun Han:
College of Civil Engineering, Xinxiang University, Xinxiang, P.R. China.

Despite of the growing number of built examples, the analysis of non-symmetrical cable-stayed bridges has not received considerable attention from the researchers. In fact, the effects of the main design parameters in the structural behavior of these bridges are not addressed in detail in the literature. To fill this gap, this paper studies the structural response of a number of non-symmetrical cable-stayed bridges. With this aim, a parametric analysis is performed to evaluate the effect of each of the main design parameters (the ratio between the main and the back span length, the pylon, the deck and backstay stiffnesses, the pylon inclination, and the stay configuration) of this kind of bridges. Furthermore, the role of the geometrical nonlinearity and the steel consumption in stays are evaluated.

Key Words
non-symmetrical cable-stayed bridges; parametric study; design parameters; steel bridge; design guidelines

(1) Juan J. Jorquera-Lucerga:
Department of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Paseo Alfonso XIII 52, 30203, Cartagena, Spain;
(2) Jose A. Lozano-Galant:
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Av. Camilo Jose Cela SN 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain;
(3) Jose Turmo:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech, C/Jordi Girona 1-3, Edif B1, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.

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