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Volume 13, Number 6, December 2017

Automatic large scale soil model generation is very critical stage for earthquake hazard simulation of urban areas. Manual model development may cause some data losses and may not be effective when there are too many data from different soil observations in a wide area. Geographic information systems (GIS) for storing and analyzing spatial data help scientists to generate better models automatically. Although the original soil observations were limited to soil profile data, the recent developments in mapping technology, interpolation methods, and remote sensing have provided advanced soil model developments. Together with advanced computational technology, it is possible to handle much larger volumes of data. The scientists may solve difficult problems of describing the spatial variation of soil. In this study, an algorithm is proposed for automatic three dimensional soil and velocity model development of southern part of the European side of Istanbul next to Sea of Marmara based on GIS data. In the proposed algorithm, firstly bedrock surface is generated from integration of geological and geophysical measurements. Then, layer surface contacts are integrated with data gathered in vertical borings, and interpolations are interpreted on sections between the borings automatically. Three dimensional underground geology model is prepared using boring data, geologic cross sections and formation base contours drawn in the light of these data. During the preparation of the model, classification studies are made based on formation models. Then, 3D velocity models are developed by using geophysical measurements such as refraction–microtremor, array microtremor and PS logging. The soil and velocity models are integrated and final soil model is obtained. All stages of this algorithm are carried out automatically in the selected urban area. The system directly reads the GIS soil data in the selected part of urban area and 3D soil model is automatically developed for large scale earthquake hazard simulation studies.

Key Words
sea of Marmara; southern part of the European side of Istanbul; large scale soil model generation; 3D velocity model; automatic model generation; geographical information system

Rafet Sisman and Abdurrahman Sahin: Department of Civil Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Muneo Hori: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

The effects of seepage force and out-of-plane stress on cavity contracting and tunnel opening was investigated in this study. The generalized Hoek-Brown (H-B) failure criterion and non-associated flow rule were adopted. Because of the complex solution of pore pressure in an arbitrary direction, only the pore pressure through the radial direction was assumed in this paper. In order to investigate the effect of out-of-plane stress and seepage force on the cavity contraction and circular tunnel opening, three cases of the out-of-plane stress being the minor, intermediate, or major principal stress are assumed separately. A method of plane strain problem is adopted to obtain the stress and strain for cavity contracting and circular tunnel opening for three cases, respectively, that incorporated the effects of seepage force. The proposed solutions were validated by the published results and the correction is verified. Several cases were analyzed, and parameter studies were conducted to highlight the effects of seepage force, H-B constants, and out-of-plane stress on stress, displacement, and plastic radius with the numerical method. The proposed method may be used to address the complex problems of cavity contraction and tunnel opening in rock mass.

Key Words
seepage force; out-of-plane stress; cavity contraction; generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion

Jin-Feng Zou and Kai-Fu Chen: School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Hunan 410075, China

Qiu-Jing Pan: Laboratory 3SR, Grenoble Alpes Unviersity, CNRS UMR 5521, Grenoble, France

Composite foundation treated with compaction piles can eliminate collapsibility and improve the bearing capacity of foundation in loess area. However, the large number of piles in the composite foundation leads to difficulties in the analysis of such type of engineering works. This paper proposes two simplified methods to quantify the stability of composite foundation treated with a large number of compaction piles. The first method is based on the principle of making the area replacement ratios of the simplified model as the same time as the practical engineering situation. Then, discrete piles arranged in a triangular shape can be simplified in the model where the annular piles and compacted soil are arranged alternately. The second method implements equivalent continuous treatment in the pile-soil area and makes the whole treated region equivalent to a type of composite material. Both methods have been verified using treated foundation of an oil storage tank. The results have shown that the differences in the settlement values obtained from the water filled test in the field and those calculated by the two simplified methods are negligible. Using stability analysis, the difference ratios of the static and dynamic safety factors of the composite foundation treated with compaction piles calculated by these two simplified methods are found to be 3.56% and 5.32%, respectively. At the same time, both static and dynamic safety factors are larger than the general safety factor, which should be greater than or equal to 2.0 according to the provisions in civil engineering. This indicates that after being treated with compaction piles, the bearing capacity of the composite foundation is effectively improved and the foundation has enough safety reserve.

Key Words
composite foundation; compaction piles; stability; safety factor; soil-structure interaction

Xuansheng Cheng and Wei Jing: 1.) Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, 730050, China

2.) Western Engineering Research Center of Disaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, 730050, China

An innovative spiral variable-section capillary model is established for piping critical hydraulic gradient of cohesion-less soils causing water/mud inrush in tunnels. The relationship between the actual winding seepage channel and grain-size distribution, porosity, and permeability is established in the model. Soils are classified into coarse particles and fine particles according to the grain-size distribution. The piping critical hydraulic gradient is obtained by analyzing starting modes of fine particles and solving corresponding moment equilibrium equations. Gravities, drag forces, uplift forces and frictions are analyzed in moment equilibrium equations. The influence of drag force and uplift force on incipient motion is generally expounded based on the mechanical analysis. Two cases are studied with the innovative capillary model. The critical hydraulic gradient of each kind of sandy gravels with a bimodal grain-size-distribution is obtained in case one, and results have a good agreement with previous experimental observations. The relationships between the content of fine particles and the critical hydraulic gradient of seepage failure are analyzed in case two, and the changing tendency of the critical hydraulic gradient is accordant with results of experiments.

Key Words
capillary model; piping; cohesion-less soils; critical hydraulic gradient; incipient motion

P. Lin, S.C. Li, Z.H. Xu, L.P. Li, X. Huang, S.J. He and J. Wang: Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, 250061, China

Z.W. Chen: School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, the University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

Improvement of soft clay deposit by preloading with vertical drains is one of the most popular techniques followed worldwide. These drains accelerate the rate of consolidation by shortening the drainage path. Although the analytical and numerical solutions available are mostly based on equal strain hypothesis, the adoption of free strain analysis is more realistic because of the flexible nature of the imposed surcharge loading, especially for the embankment loading used for transport infrastructure. In this paper, a numerical model has been developed based on free strain hypothesis for understanding the behaviour of soft ground improvement by vertical drain with preloading. The unit cell analogy is used and the effect of smear has been incorporated. The model has been validated by comparing with available field test results and thereafter, a hypothetical case study is done using the available field data for soft clay deposit existing in the eastern part of Australia and important conclusions are drawn therefrom.

Key Words
finite difference method; foundation settlement; soft soil; vertical drain

Sudip Basack: Centre for Geomechanics and Railway Engineering, School of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering, University of Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia

Sanjay Nimbalkar: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney NSW 2007, Australia

It is well accepted that rock failure mechanism influence the cutting efficiency and determination of optimum cutting parameters. In this paper, an attempt was made to research the factors that affect the failure mechanism based on discrete element method (DEM). The influences of cutting depth, hydrostatic pressure, cutting velocity, back rake angle and joint set on failure mechanism in rock-cutting are researched by PFC2D. The results show that: the ductile failure occurs at shallow cutting depths, the brittle failure occurs as the depth of cut increases beyond a threshold value. The mean cutting forces have a linear related to the cutting depth if the cutting action is dominated by the ductile mode, however, the mean cutting forces are deviate from the linear relationship while the cutting action is dominated by the brittle mode. The failure mechanism changes from brittle mode with larger chips under atmospheric conditions, to ductile mode with crushed chips under hydrostatic conditions. As the cutting velocity increases, a grow number of micro-cracks are initiated around the cutter and the volume of the chipped fragmentation is decreasing correspondingly. The crack initiates and propagates parallel to the free surface with a smaller rake angle, but with the rake angle increases, the direction of crack initiation and propagation is changed to towards the intact rock. The existence of joint set have significant influence on crack initiation and propagation, it makes the crack prone to propagate along the joint.

Key Words
discrete element method; rock cutting; failure mechanism; fracture propagation; hydrostatic pressure

Xiaohua Zhu and Weiji Liu: School of Mechatronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China

Yanxin Lv: 1.) School of Mechatronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China

2.) State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China

The black box model is a relatively new option for nonlinear dynamic system identification. It can be used for prediction problems just based on analyzing the input and output data without considering the changes of the internal structure. In this paper, a black box model was presented to solve unconstrained overlying strata movement problems in coal mine production. Based on the black box theory, the overlying strata regional system was viewed as a \"black box\", and the black box model on overburden strata movement was established. Then, the rock mechanical properties and the mining thickness and mined-out section area were selected as the subject and object respectively, and the influences of coal mining on the overburden regional system were discussed. Finally, a corrected method for height prediction of the fractured zone was obtained. According to actual mine geological conditions, the measured geological data were introduced into the black box model of overlying strata movement for height calculation, and the fractured zone height was determined as 40.36 m, which was comparable to the actual height value (43.91 m) of the fractured zone detected by Double-block Leak Hunting in Drill. By comparing the calculation result and actual surface subsidence value, it can be concluded that the proposed model is adaptable for height prediction of the fractured zone.

Key Words
black box; overlying strata movement; fractured zone; regional system

Shichuan Zhang, Yangyang Li and Cuicui Xu : College of Mining and Safety Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, 579 Qianwanggang Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, 266590, China

The geological conditions surrounding the Jijiapo Tunnel of the Three Gorges Fanba Highway project in Hubei Province are very complex. In this paper, a 3-D physical model was carried out to study the evolution process of filling-type fracture water inrush and mud gush based on the conditions of the section located between 16.040 km and 16.042 km of the Jijiapo Tunnel. The 3-D physical model was conducted to clarify the effect of the self-weight of the groundwater level and tunnel excavation during water inrush and mud gush. The results of the displacement, stress and seepage pressure of fracture and surrounding rock in the physical model were analyzed. In the physical model the results of the model test show that the rock displacement suddenly jumped after sustainable growth, rock stress and rock seepage suddenly decreased after continuous growth before water inrushing. Once water inrush occured, internal displacement of filler increased successively from bottom up, stress and seepage pressure of filler droped successively from bottom up, which presented as water inrush and mud gush of filling-type fracture was a evolving process from bottom up. The numerical study was compared with the model test to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the results of the model test.

Key Words
filling-type fracture; water inrush and mud gush; model test; numerical modeling; evolution law.complex terrain

Li-Ping Li: 1.) Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China
2.) State Key Lab of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Di-Yang Chen: 1.) Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China
2.) Research Institute of New material and intelligent equipment , Shandong University, Dezhou, China

Shu-Cai Li, Shao-Shuai Shi and Hong-Liang Liu: Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China

Ming-Guang Zhang: College of Mining and Safety Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China

Membrane penetration is the most important factor influencing the measurement of volume change for triaxial consolidated-drained shear test for coarse-grained soil. The effective pressure p, average particle size d50, thickness tm and elastic modulus Em of membrane, contact area between membrane and soil Am as well as the initial void ratio e are the major factors influencing membrane penetration. According to the membrane deformation model given by Kramer and Sivaneswaran, an analytical solution of the membrane penetration considering the initial void ratio is deduced using the energy conservation law. The basic equations from theory of plates and shells and the elastic mechanics are employed during the derivation. To verify the presented solution, isotropic consolidation tests of a coarse-grained soil are performed by using the method of embedding different diameter of iron rods in the triaxial samples, and volume changes due to membrane penetration are obtained. The predictions from presented solution and previous analytical solutions are compared with the test results. It is found that the prediction from presented analytical solution agrees well with the test results.

Key Words
membrane penetration; membrane deformation model; isotropic consolidation test; analytical solution

Enyue Ji: Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China

Jungao Zhu: 1.) Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
2.) Key Laboratory of Failure Mechanism and Safety Control Techniques of Earth-Rock Dam of the Ministry of Water Resources, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China

Shengshui Chen: Key Laboratory of Failure Mechanism and Safety Control Techniques of Earth-Rock Dam of the Ministry of Water Resources, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China

Wei Jin: Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited, Power China, Chengdu 610072, China

Tensile strength is considered key properties for characterizing rock material in engineering project. It is determined by direct and indirect methods. Point load test is a useful testing method to estimate the tensile strengths of rocks. In this paper, the effects of rock shape on the point load index of gypsum are investigated by PFC2D simulation. For PFC simulating, initially calibration of PFC was performed with respect to the Brazilian experimental data to ensure the conformity of the simulated numerical models response. In second step, nineteen models with different shape were prepared and tested under point load test. According to the obtained results, as the size of the models increases, the point load strength index increases. It is also found that the shape of particles has no major effect on its tensile strength. Our findings show that the dominant failure pattern for numerical models is breaking the model into two pieces. Also a criterion was rendered numerically for determination of tensile strength of gypsum. The proposed criteria were cross checked with the results of experimental point load test.

Key Words
point load test; failure pattern; breakage; PFC2D

Hadi Haeri: Young Researchers and Elite Club, Bafgh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bafgh, Iran

Vahab Sarfarazi: Department of Mining Engineering, Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan, Iran

Alireza Bagher Shemirani: Department of Civil Engineering, Sadra Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran

Seyed Shahin Hosseini: Department of Civil Engineering, Aria University of Sciences and Sustainability, Tehran, Iran

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