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Volume 23, Number 5, May 2019

This study investigates axisymmetric fractional vibration of an isotropic hyperelastic semi-linear thin disc with a view to examine effects of finite deformation associated with the material of the disc and effects of fractional vibration associated with the motion of the disc. The generalized three-dimensional equation of motion is reduced to an equivalent time fraction one-dimensional vibration equation. Using the method of variable separable, the resulting equation is further decomposed into second-order ordinary differential equation in spatial variable and fractional differential equation in temporal variable. The obtained solution of the fractional vibration problem under consideration is described by product of one-parameter Mittag-Leffler and Bessel functions in temporal and spatial variables respectively. The obtained solution reduces to the solution of the free vibration problem in literature. Finally, and amongst other things, the Cauchy\'s stress distribution in thin disc under finite deformation exhibits nonlinearity with respect to the displacement fields whereas in infinitesimal deformation hypothesis, these stresses exhibit linear relation with the displacement field.

Key Words
axisymmetric; finite deformation; fractional vibration; thin disc

Odunayo O. Fadodun: Department of Mathematics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 220005, Nigeria

The substructuring technique is one of the efficient methods for reducing computational effort and memory usage in the finite element method, especially in large-scale structures. Proper mesh partitioning plays a key role in the efficiency of the technique. In this study, new algorithms are proposed for mesh partitioning based on an element search technique. The computational cost function is optimized by aligning each element of the structure to a proper substructure. The genetic algorithm is employed to minimize the boundary nodes of the substructures. Since the boundary nodes have a vital performance on the mesh partitioning, different strategies are proposed for the few number of substructures and higher number ones. The mesh partitioning is optimized considering both computational and memory requirements. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated in numerous examples for different size of substructures.

Key Words
substructuring; finite element method; mesh partitioning; computational cost optimization; genetic algorithm

V. Shiralinezhad and H. Moslemi: Department of Civil Engineering, Shahed University, Persian Gulf Highway, Tehran, Iran

Experimental isotherm compressive tests show that concrete behaviour is dependent on temperature. The aim of such tests is to reproduce how concrete will behave under environmental changes within a moderate range of temperature. In this paper, a novel constitutive elastic damage behaviour law is proposed based on a free energy with an apparent damage depending on temperature. The proposed constitutive behaviour leads to classical theory of thermo-elasticity at small strains. Fixed elastic mechanical characteristics and fixed evolution law of damage independent of temperature and the material volume element size are considered. This approach is applied to compressive tests. The model predicts compressive strength and secant modulus of elasticity decrease as temperature increases. A power scaling law is assumed for specific entropy as function of the specimen size which leads to a volume size effect on the stress-strain compressive behaviour. The proposed model reproduces theoretical and experimental results from literature for tempertaures ranging between 20oC and 70oC. The effect of the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the mortar and coarse aggregates is also considered which gives a better agreement with FIB recommendations. It is shown that this effect is of a second order in the considered moderate range of temperature.

Key Words
concrete; scalar damage; compressive strength; Young modulus; temperature; volume size effect

Wiem Ben Hassine, Marwa Loukil and Oualid Limam: Universite de Tunis El Manar, Ecole Nationale d\'Ingenieurs de Tunis,
Laboratoire de Genie Civil, BP 37, 1002 le Belvedere, Tunis, Tunisia

Traffic flow capacity of some old road bridges is insufficient due to limited deck width. In such cases bridge deck widening is a common solution. For multi-girder reinforced concrete (RC) bridges it is possible to add steel-concrete composite girders as the new outermost girders. The deck widening may be combined with bridge strengthening thanks to thickening of the existing deck slab. Joint action of the existing and the added parts of such bridge span must be ensured. It refers especially to the horizontal plane at the interface of the existing slab and the added concrete layer as well as to the vertical planes at the external surfaces of the initially outermost girders where the added girders are connected to the existing bridge span. Since the distribution of the added concrete is non-uniform in the span cross-section the structure is particularly sensitive to the added concrete shrinkage. The shrinkage induces shear forces in the aforementioned planes. Widening of a 12 m long RC multi-girder bridge span is numerically analysed to assess the influence of the added concrete shrinkage. The analysis results show that: a) in the vertical plane of the connection of the added and the existing deck slab the longitudinal shear due to the shrinkage of the added concrete is comparable with the effect of live load, b) it is necessary to provide appropriate longitudinal reinforcement in the deck slab over the added girders due to tension induced by the shrinkage of the added concrete.

Key Words
bridge widening; concrete shrinkage; composite action; shear force; finite element method

Arkadiusz Madaj and Wojciech Siekierski: Institute of Civil Engineering, Poznań University of Technology, ul. Piotrowo 5, 61-138 Poznań, Poland

A low-cycle loading experiment of 16 transfer column specimens was conducted to study the influence of parameters, likes the extension length of shape steel, the ratio of shape steel, the axial compression ratio and the volumetric ratio of stirrups, on the shear distribution between steel and concrete, the concrete damage state and the degradation of lateral stiffness. Shear force of shape steel reacted at the core area of concrete section and led to tension effect which accelerated the damage of concrete. At the same time, the damage of concrete diminished its shear capacity and resulted in the shear enlargement of shape steel. The interplay between concrete damage and shear force of shape steel ultimately made for the failures of transfer columns. With the increase of extension length, the lateral stiffness first increases and then decreases, but the stiffness degradation gets faster; With the increase of steel ratio, the lateral stiffness remains the same, but the degradation gets faster; With the increase of the axial compression ratio, the lateral stiffness increases, and the degradation is more significant. Using more stirrups can effectively restrain the development of cracks and increase the lateral stiffness at the yielding point. Also, a formula for calculating the yielding lateral stiffness is obtained by a regression analysis of the test data.

Key Words
lateral stiffness; transfer column; SRC-RC hybrid structure; shear distribution; concrete damage

Kai Wu: College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, No. 1 Xikang Road, Gulou District, Nanjing city, PR China; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore
Jiangpeng Zhai: College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, No. 1 Xikang Road, Gulou District, Nanjing city, PR China
Jianyang Xue: School of Civil Engineering, Xi\'an University of Architecture & Technology, No. 13 Yanta Road Middle Section, Beilin District, Xi\'an City, PR China
Fangyuan Xu: College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, No. 1 Xikang Road, Gulou District, Nanjing city, PR China
Hongtie Zhao: School of Civil Engineering, Xi\'an University of Architecture & Technology, No. 13 Yanta Road Middle Section, Beilin District, Xi\'an City, PR China

In this study, the calcium hydroxide, an inherent product of cement hydration, was treated using biomimetic carbonation method of incorporating stearic acid to generate the hydrophobic calcium carbonate on concrete surface. Carbonation reaction was carried out at various CO2 pressure and temperatures and utilizing the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), chloride-ion penetration test apparatus, and compression test machine to investigate the hydrophobicity, durability, and mechanical properties of the synthesized products. Experimental results indicate that the calcium stearate may change the surface property of concrete from hydrophilicity to hydrophobicity. Increasing reaction temperature can change the particles from irregular shapes to needle-rod structures with increased shear stress and thus favorable to hydrophobicity and microhardness. The contact angle against water for the concrete surface was found to increase with increasing CO2 pressure and temperature, and reached to an optimum value at around 90oC. The maximum static water contact angle of 128.7 degree was obtained at the CO2 pressure of 2 atm and temperature of 90oC . It was also found that biomimetic carbonation increased the permeability, acid resistance and chloride-ion permeability of the concrete material. These unique results demonstrate that the needle-rod structures of CaCO3 synthetized on concrete surface could enhance hydrophobicity, durability, and mechanical properties of concrete.

Key Words
concrete; biomimetic carbonation; hydrophobicity; durability; strength

Chung-Ho Huang, Hao-Yu Fang and Jue-Zhong Zhang:Department of Civil Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, No.1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da\'an Dist., Taipei City 10608, Taiwan, R.O.C.

In this research, bending analysis of a micro sandwich skew plate with isotropic core and piezoelectric composite face sheets reinforced by carbon nanotube on the elastic foundations are studied. The classical plate theory (CPT) are used to model micro sandwich skew plate and to apply size dependent effects based on modified strain gradient theory. Eshelby-Mori-Tanaka approach is considered for the effective mechanical properties of the nanocomposite face sheets. The governing equations of equilibrium are derived using minimum principle of total potential energy and then solved by extended Kantorovich method (EKM). The effects of width to thickness ratio and length to width of the sandwich plate, core-to-face sheet thickness ratio, the material length scale parameters, volume fraction of CNT, the angle of skew plate, different boundary conditions and types of cores on the deflection of micro sandwich skew plate are investigated. One of the most important results is the reduction of the deflection by increasing the angle of the micro sandwich skew plate and decreasing the deflection by decreasing the thickness of the structural core. The results of this research can be used in modern construction in the form of reinforced slabs or stiffened plates and also used in construction of bridges, the wing of airplane.

Key Words
bending analysis; micro sandwich skew plate; piezoelectric composite face sheets; extended Kantorovich method, Eshelby-Mori-Tanaka approach

Javad Rajabi and Mehdi Mohammadimehr: Department of Solid Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, P.O. Box: 87317-53153, Kashan, Iran

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