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Volume 32, Number 2, May30 2009

The resilience of a city confronted with a terrorist bomb attack is the background of the paper. The resilience strongly depends on vital infrastructure and the physical protection of people. The protection buildings provide in case of an external explosion is one of the important elements in safety assessment. Besides the aspect of protection, buildings facilitate and enable many functions, e.g., offices, data storage, -handling and -transfer, energy supply, banks, shopping malls etc. When a building is damaged, the loss of functions is directly related to the location, amount of damage and the damage level. At TNO Defence, Security and Safety methods are developed to quantify the resilience of city infrastructure systems (Weerheijm et al. 2007b). In this framework, the dynamic response, damage levels and residual bearing capacity of multi-storey RC buildings is studied. The current paper addresses the aspects of dynamic response and progressive collapse, as well as the proposed method to relate the structural damage to a volume-damage parameter, which can be linked to the loss of functionality. After a general introduction to the research programme and progressive collapse, the study of the dynamic response and damage due to blast loading for a single RC element is described. Shock tube experiments on plates are used as a reference to study the possibilities of engineering methods and an explicit finite element code to quantify the response and residual bearing capacity. Next the dynamic response and progressive collapse of a multi storey RC building is studied numerically, using a number of models. Conclusions are drawn on the ability to predict initial blast damage and progressive collapse. Finally the link between the structural damage of a building and its loss of functionality is described, which is essential input for the envisaged method to quantify the resilience of city infrastructure.

Key Words
structural dynamics; buildings; explosions; concrete; rate dependency; finite elements, experiments; resilience of infrastructure; damage assessment; safety

J. Weerheijm: TNO Defence, Security and Safety, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Delft, The Netherlands
J. Mediavilla and J.C.A.M. van Doormaal: TNO Defence, Security and Safety, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

In this paper the study of a reinforced concrete wall used as protection against accidental explosions in the petrochemical industry is presented. Many alternatives of accidental scenarios and sizes of the wall are analyzed and discussed. Two main types of events are considered, both related to vessel bursts: Pressure vessel bursts and BLEVE. The liberated energy from the explosion was calculated following procedures firmly established in the practice and the effects over the structures and the reinforced concrete wall were calculated by using a CFD tool. The results obtained show that the designed wall reduces the values of the peak overpressure and impulse and, as a result, the damage levels to be expected. It was also proved that a reinforced concrete wall can withstand the blast load for the considered events and levels of pressure and impulse, with minor damage and protect the buildings.

Key Words
blast load; reinforced concrete; structural collapse; numerical analysis.

Daniel Ambrosini: National University of Cuyo, CONICET, Argentina
Los Franceses 1537. 5600 San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina
Bibiana Maria Luccioni: Structures Institute, Natiuonal University of Tucuman, CONICET, Argentina
Country Las Yungas. 4107 Yerba Buena, Tucuman, Argentina

The response of concrete structures subjected to shock and blast load involves a rapid transient phase, during which material breach may take place. Such an effect could play a crucial role in determining the residual state of the structure and the possible dispersion of the fragments. Modelling of the transient phase response poses various challenges due to the complexities arising from the dynamic behaviour of the materials and the numerical difficulties associated with the evolving material discontinuity and large deformations. Typical modelling approaches include the traditional finite element method in conjunction with an element removal scheme, various meshfree methods such as the SPH, and the mesoscale model. This paper is intended to provide an overview of several alternative approaches and discuss their respective applicability. Representative concrete material models for high pressure and high rate applications are also commented. Several recent application studies are introduced to illustrate the pros and cons of different modelling options.

Key Words
shock and blast; concrete structure; numerical simulation; finite element method; meshfree method; mesoscale model.

Yong Lu: Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JL, UK

Reinforced concrete (RC) structures consist of two different materials: concrete and steel bar. The stress transfer behaviour between the two materials through bond plays an important role in the loadcarrying capacity of RC structures, especially when they subject to lateral load such as blast and seismic load. Therefore, bond and slip between concrete and reinforcement bar will affect the response of RC structures under such loads. However, in most numerical analyses of blast-induced structural responses, the perfect bond between concrete and steel bar is often assumed. The main reason is that it is very difficult to model bond slip in the commercial finite element software, especially in hydrodynamic codes. In the present study, a one-dimensional slide line contact model in LS-DYNA for modeling sliding of rebar along a string of concrete nodes is creatively used to model the bond slip between concrete and steel bars in RC structures. In order to model the bond slip accurately, a new approach to define the parameters of the one-dimensional slide line model from common pullout test data is proposed. Reliability and accuracy of the proposed approach and the one-dimensional slide line in modelling the bond slip between concrete and steel bar are demonstrated through comparison of numerical results and experimental data. A case study is then carried out to investigate the bond slip effect on numerical analysis of blast-induced responses of a RC column. Parametric studies are also conducted to investigate the effect of bond shear modulus, maximum elastic slip strain, and damage curve exponential coefficient on blast-induced response of RC columns. Finally, recommendations are given for modelling the bond slip in numerical analysis of blast-induced responses of RC columns.

Key Words
bond slip; modelling; numerical analysis; blast-induced response; RC column; parametric studies.

Yanchao Shi and Zhong-Xian Li: School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Hong Hao: School of Civil & Resource Engineering, the University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley WA 6009, Australia
School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

Responding to the threat of terrorist attacks around the world, numerous studies have been conducted to search for new methods of vulnerability assessment and protective technologies for critical infrastructure under extreme bomb blasts or high velocity impacts. In this paper, a two-dimensional behavioral rate dependent lattice model (RDLM) capable of analyzing reinforced concrete members subjected to blast and impact loading is presented. The model inherently takes into account several major influencing factors: the progressive cracking of concrete in tension, the inelastic response in compression, the yielding of reinforcing steel, and strain rate sensitivity of both concrete and steel. A computer code using the explicit algorithm was developed based on the proposed lattice model. The explicit code along with the proposed numerical model was validated using experimental test results from the Woomera blast trial.

Key Words
concrete; blast loading; impact; lattice model; finite element method; high strain-rate.

Tuan Ngo and Priyan Mendis: Infrastructure Protection Research Group, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia

The characteristic response of a structure to blast load may be divided into two distinctive phases, namely the direct blast response during which the shock wave effect and localized damage take place, and the post-blast phase whereby progressive collapse may occur. A reliable post-blast analysis depends on a sound understanding of the direct blast effect. Because of the complex loading environment and the stress wave effects, the analysis on the direct effect often necessitates a high fidelity numerical model with coupled fluid (air) and solid subdomains. In such a modelling framework, an appropriate representation of the blast load and the high nonlinearity of the material response is a key to a reliable outcome. This paper presents a series of calibration study on these two important modelling considerations in a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian framework using a hydrocode. The calibration of the simulated blast load is carried out for both free air and internal explosions. The simulation of the extreme dynamic response of concrete components is achieved using an advanced concrete damage model in conjunction with an element erosion scheme. Validation simulations are conducted for two representative scenarios; one involves a concrete slab under internal blast, and the other with a RC column under air blast, with a particular focus on the simulation sensitivity to the mesh size and the erosion criterion.

Key Words
blast load; concrete component; numerical simulation; Eulerian solver; Lagrangian solver; hydrocode; mesh sensitivity.

Shunfeng Gong: Institute of Structural Engineering, College of Civil Engineering and Architectural, Zhejiang Univ., 310058, P.R. China
Yong Lu and Zhenguo Tu: Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JL, UK
Weiliang Jin: Institute of Structural Engineering, College of Civil Engineering and Architectural, Zhejiang Univ., 310058, P.R. China

Damage assessment for buried structures against an internal blast is conducted by considering the soil-structure interaction. The structural element under analysis is assumed to be rigid-plastic and simply-supported at both ends. Shear failure, bending failure and combined failure modes are included based on five possible transverse velocity profiles. The maximum deflections with respect to shear and bending failure are derived respectively by employing proper failure criteria of the structural element. Pressure-Impulse diagrams to assess damage of the buried structures are subsequently developed. Comparisons have been done to evaluate the influences of the soil-structure interaction and the shear-tobending strength ratio of the structural element. A case study for a buried reinforced concrete structure has been conducted to show the applicability of the proposed damage assessment method.

Key Words
combined failure; P-I diagram; buried structure; blast load; damage assessment.

G.W. Ma, X. Huang and J.C. Li: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

When a roof frame is subjected to the airblast loading, the conventional way to analyze the damage of the frame or design the frame is to use single degree of freedom (SDOF) model. Although a roof frame consists of beams and girders, a typical SDOF analysis can be conducted only separately for each component. Thus, the rigid body motion of beams by deflections of supporting girders can not be easily considered. Neglecting the beam-girder interaction in the SDOF analysis may cause serious inaccuracies in the response values in both Pressure-Impulse curve (P-I) and Charge Weight-Standoff Diagrams (CWSD). In this paper, an inelastic two degrees of freedom (TDOF) model is developed, based on force equilibrium equations, to consider beam-girder interaction, and to assess if the modified SDOF analysis can be a reasonable design approach.

Key Words
SDOF; TDOF; P-I curve; roof frame; blast.

Park, Jong Yil: Joint Modeling and Simulation Center, Agency for Defense Development, Yuseong P.O. Box 35,
Daejeon 305-600, Korea
Theodor Krauthammer: Center for Infrastructure Protection and Physical Security (CIPPS), University of Florida, USA

Finite element simulations are increasingly used in structural analysis and design, especially in cases where complex structural and loading conditions are involved. Due to considerable progresses in computer technology as well as nonlinear finite-element analysis techniques in past years, it has become possible to pursue an accurate analysis of the complex blast-induced structural effects by means of numerical simulations. This paper aims to develop a better understanding of the behavior of steel-concrete composite beams (SCCB) under localized blast loading through a numerical parametric study. A finite element model is set up to simulate the blast-resistant features of SCCB using the transient dynamic analysis software LS-DYNA. It is demonstrated that there are three dominant failure modes for SCCB subjected to localized blast loading. The effect of loading position on the behavior of SCCB is also investigated. Finally, a simplified model is proposed for assessing the overall response of SCCB subjected to localized blast loading.

Key Words
SCCB; localized blast loading; finite element model; position of blast loading; failure modes; simplified design method.

Guo-Qiang Li: State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Tao-Chun Yang: College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Su-Wen Chen: State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

This paper presents a computational study for the structural response of blast loaded metallic sandwich panels, with the emphasis placed on their failure behaviours. The fully-clamped panels are square, and the honeycomb core and skins are made of the same aluminium alloy. A material model considering strain and strain rate hardening effects is used and the blast load is idealised as either a uniform or localised pressure over a short duration. The deformation/failure procedure and modes of the sandwich panels are identified and analysed. In the uniform loading condition, the effect of core density and face-sheets thicknesses is analysed. Likewise, the influence of pulse shape on the failure modes is investigated by deriving a pressure-impulse (P-I) diagram. For localised loading, a comparative study is carried out to assess the blast resistant behaviours of three types of structures: sandwich panel with honeycomb core, two face-sheets with air core and monolithic plate, in terms of their permanent deflections and damage degrees. The finding of this research provides a valuable insight into the engineering design of sandwich constructions against air blast loads.

Key Words
sandwich panel; blast loading; numerical simulation; P-I diagram; failure modes.

Feng Zhu: Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, John Street, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia
Guoxing Lu: Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, John Street, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Dong Ruan: Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, John Street, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia
Dongwei Shu: School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

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