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Volume 7, Number 3, September 2017

Dynamic response analysis of offshore triceratops with stiffened buoyant legs under impact and non-impact waves is presented. Triceratops is relatively new-generation complaint platform being explored in the recent past for its suitability in ultra-deep waters. Buoyant legs support the deck through ball joints, which partially isolate the deck by not transferring rotation from legs to the deck. Buoyant legs are interconnected using equally spaced stiffeners, inducing more integral action in dispersing the encountered wave loads. Two typical nonlinear waves under very high sea state are used to simulate impact and non-impact waves. Parameters of JONSWAP spectrum are chosen to produce waves with high vertical and horizontal asymmetries. Impact waves are simulated by steep, front asymmetric waves while non-impact waves are simulated using Stokes nonlinear irregular waves. Based on the numerical analyses presented, it is seen that the platform experiences both steady state (springing) and transient response (ringing) of high amplitudes. Response of the deck shows significant reduction in rotational degrees-of-freedom due to isolation offered by ball joints. Weak-asymmetric waves, resulting in non-impact waves cause steady state response. Beat phenomenon is noticed in almost all degrees-of-freedom but values in sway, roll and yaw are considerably low as angle of incidence is zero degrees. Impact waves cause response in higher frequencies; bursting nature of pitch response is a clear manifestation of the effect of impact waves on buoyant legs. Non-impact waves cause response similar to that of a beating phenomenon in all active degrees-of-freedom, which otherwise would not be present under normal loading. Power spectral density plots show energy content of response for a wide bandwidth of frequencies, indicating an alarming behaviour apart from being highly nonlinear. Heave, being one of the stiff degrees-of-freedom is triggered under non-impact waves, which resulted in tether tension variation under non-impact waves as well. Reduced deck response aids functional requirements of triceratops even under impact and non-impact waves. Stiffened group of buoyant legs enable a monolithic behaviour, enhancing stiffness in vertical plane.

Key Words
asymmetrical wave; ball joint; impact; non-impact; stiffened offshore triceratops; tether tension variation; buoyant legs

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran and Jamshed Nassery: Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

This paper presents 3D numerical simulations of a Free Standing Hybrid Riser under Vortex Induced Vibration, with prescribed motion on the top to replace the motion of the buoyancy can. The model is calculated using a fully implicit discretization scheme. The flow field around the riser is computed by solving the Navier-Stokes equations numerically. The fluid domain is discretized using the overset grid approach. Grid points in near-wall regions of riser are of high resolution, while far field flow is in relatively coarse grid. Fluid-structure interaction is accomplished by communication between fluid solver and riser motion solver. Simulation is based on previous experimental data. Two cases are studied with different current speeds, where the motion of the buoyancy can is approximated to a \'banana\' shape. A fully three-dimensional CFD approach for VIV simulation for a top side moving Riser has been presented. This paper also presents a simulation of a riser connected to a platform under harmonic regular waves.

Key Words
3D simulation; free standing hybrid riser; deep water; CFD simulation; vortex-induced vibration; uverset grid

Yi Cao: Department of Ocean Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA
Hamn-Ching Chen: Zachry Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA

Excessive dynamic-tension variations on the top-tensioned risers (TTRs) deteriorate the structural integrity and cause potential safety hazards. This phenomenon has become more remarkable in the development of deep-water fields with harsher environmental loads. The conventional prediction method of tension variations in hydro-pneumatic tensioner (HPT) has the disadvantage to underestimate the magnitude of cyclic loads. The actual excessive dynamic tension variations are larger when considering the viscous frictional fluid effects. In this paper, a suppression method of tension variations in HPT is modeled by incorporating the magneto-rheological (MR) damper and linear-force actuator. The mathematical models of the combined HPT and MR damper are developed and a force-control scheme is introduced to compensate the excessive tension variations on the riser tensioner ring. Numerical simulations and analyses are conducted to evaluate the suppression of tension variations in HPT under both regular- and irregular-wave conditions for a drilling riser of a tensioned-leg platform (TLP). The results show that significant reduction of tension variations can be achieved by introducing the proposed system. This research has provided a theoretical foundation for the HPT tension control and related structural protection.

Key Words
top-tensioned riser; hydro-pneumatic tensioner; tension variations; tension control; force compensation; magneto-rheological damper

Hooi-Siang Kang: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia;
Institute for Vehicle Systems and Engineering (IVeSE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Moo-Hyun Kim and Heon-Yong Kang: Department of Ocean Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
Shankar S. Bhat Aramanadka: Sabah Shell Petroleum Co. Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kee-Quen Lee: Department of Mechanical Precision Engineering, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Many different engagement situations require naval ships to achieve some level of effectiveness. The performance of the naval ships is very important for such effectiveness. There have been many studies that analyze the effectiveness and the performance. The former are largely related to engagement level simulations, while the latter are largely related to engineering level simulations. However, there have been few studies that consider both the engagement level and the engineering level at the same time. Therefore, this study presents three case studies using engagement simulation of the engineering level to check the performance of the related parameters. First, detection performance simulations are carried out by changing the specifications of the passive sonars of a submarine in different scenarios. Maneuvering performance simulations are carried out by changing the specification of the hydroplanes of a submarine in different scenarios. Lastly, in order to check whether or not our forces would succeed in attacking enemy forces, we perform an engagement simulation with various naval ship models that consist of several engineering level models, such as command systems, weapon systems, detection systems, and maneuver systems. As a result, the performance according to the specifications of the naval ships and weapons is evaluated.

Key Words
modeling and simulation; engagement level; engineering level; DEVS & DTSS model; naval ships

Dong-Hoon Jeong: Hyundai Maritime Research Institute, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea
Myung-Il Roh: Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, and Research Institute of Marine Systems Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Seung-Ho Ham: Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

This paper provides a practical stochastic method by which the maximum equilibrium scour depth below a pipeline exposed to random waves plus a current on mild slopes can be derived. The approach is based on assuming the waves to be a stationary narrow-band random process, adopting the Battjes and Groenendijk (2000) wave height distribution for mild slopes including the effect of breaking waves, and using the empirical formulas for the scour depth on the horizontal seabed by Sumer and Freds e (1996). The present approach is valid for wave-dominant flow conditions. Results for random waves alone and random wave plus currents have been presented and discussed by varying the seabed slope and water depth. An approximate method is also proposed, and comparisons are made with the present stochastic method. For random waves alone it appears that the approximate method can replace the stochastic method, whereas the stochastic method is required for random waves plus currents. Tentative approaches to related random wave-induced scour cases for random waves alone are also suggested.

Key Words
scour depth; pipeline; mild slope; random waves; current; stochastic method

Dag Myrhaug and Ping Fu: Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, Norway
Muk Chen Ong: Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Material Science, University of Stavanger
Stavanger, Norway

The paper aims at illustrating several key issues and ongoing efforts for development of a reliable fully-Lagrangian particle-based solver for simulation of hydroelastic slamming. Fluid model is founded on the solution of Navier-Stokes along with continuity equations via an enhanced version of a projection-based particle method, namely, Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method. The fluid model is carefully coupled with a structure model on the basis of conservation of linear and angular momenta for an elastic solid. The developed coupled FSI (Fluid-Structure Interaction) solver is applied to simulations of high velocity impact of an elastic aluminum wedge and hydroelastic slammings of marine panels. Validations are made both qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of reproduced pressure as well as structure deformation. Several remaining challenges as well as important key issues are highlighted. At last, a recently developed multi-scale MPS method is incorporated in the developed FSI solver towards enhancement of its adaptivity.

Key Words
hydroelasticity; slamming; fluid structure interaction; moving particle semi-implicit

Abbas Khayyer, Hitoshi Gotoh, Hosein Falahaty,Yuma Shimizu and Yusuke Nishijima: Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Kyoto University, Katsura Campus, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan

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