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Wind and Structures
  Volume 8, Number 6, November 2005 , pages 389-405

Meteorological basis for wind loads calculation in Croatia
Alica Baji and Bernardin Pero

    The results of reference wind speed calculation in Croatia as a base for the revision of the Croatian standards for wind loads upon structures are presented. Wind speed averaged over 10 minutes, at 10 m height, in a flat, open terrain, with a 50-year mean return period is given for 27 meteorological stations in Croatia. It is shown that the greatest part of Croatia is covered with expected reference wind speeds up to 25 m/s. Exceptions are stations with specific anemometer location open to the bura wind which is accelerated due to the channelling effects of local orography and the nearby mountain passes where the expected reference wind speed ranges between 38 m/s and 55 m/s. The methodology for unifying all available information from wind measurements regardless of the averaging period is discussed by analysing wind speed variability at the meteorological station in Hvar.
Key Words
    extreme speed; standards; wind load.
Alica Baji; Research and Atmospheric Modelling Department, Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia, Gri 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, CroatiarnBernardin Pero; Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Split, Matice Hrvatske 15, HR-21000 Split, Croatia

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