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Wind and Structures
  Volume 7, Number 5, September 2004 , pages 305-316

The wind tunnel measuring methods for wind turbine rotor blades
Ali Vardar and Bulent Eker

    In this study, a wind tunnel, that has been developed for experiments of wind turbine rotor blades, has been considered. The deviations of the measurements have been examined after this wind tunnel had been introduced and the measurements on it had been explained. Two different wind turbine rotor blades miniatures have been used for getting better results from the experiments. The accuracy of measurements have been experimented three times repetitively and examined statistically. As a result, wind speed values which this type of wind tunnel and wind turbine rotors need for starting, wind speed in the tunnel, temperature and moisture values, the number of rotor
Key Words
    wind turbine; rotor blade; rotor; rotor experimented; wind tunnel.
Ali Vardar and Bulent EkerrnDepartment of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Trakya,rn59030, Tekirdag / Turkey

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