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Wind and Structures
  Volume 7, Number 1, January 2004 , pages 13-28

Precision of predicted 3D numerical solutions of vortex-induced oscillation for bridge girders with span-wise varying geometry
Takehiko Harada, Takeshi Yoshimura, Takahisa Tanaka, Yoji Mizuta, Takafumi Hashiguchi, Makoto Sudo, and Masao Miyazaki

    A method of numerical analysis without conducting 3D wind tunnel model tests was examined in our previous study for predicting vortex-induced oscillation of bridge girders with span-wise varying geometry. The aerodynamic damping forces measured for plural wind tunnel 2D models were used in the analysis. A further study was conducted to examine the precision of solution obtained by this method. First, the responses of vortex-induced oscillation of two rocking models and a taut-strip bridge girder model with span-wise varying geometry were measured. Next, the responses of these models were numerically analyzed by means of this method, and then a comparison was made between the obtained Vr-A- da contour diagram of each 3D model in the wind tunnel test and the diagram in the numerical analysis. Since close correlations were observed between each two Vr-A- da diagrams obtained in the model test and in the analysis in cases where the 3D model did not have strong three-dimensionality, our findings revealed that the predicted solution proved to be reasonably accurate.
Key Words
    vortex-induced oscillation; bridge girders with span-wise varying geometry; 3D numerical analysis; precision of solution; wind tunnel model tests.
Takehiko Harada, Takeshi Yoshimura, Takahisa Tanaka, Yoji Mizuta, Takafumi Hashiguchi; Department of Civil Eng., Kyushu Sangyo University, Higashi-Ku, Fukuoka, 813-8503, JapanrnMakoto Sudo; Ing?rosec Co., Ltd., 6-3-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, 160-0023, JapanrnMasao Miyazaki; Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd., Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, 141-8686, Japan

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