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Wind and Structures
  Volume 4, Number 4, August 2001 , pages 353-366

Probability of exceeding the serviceability limit of antenna masts
Christian Kammel(Germany)rn

    With respect to serviceability, antenna masts should be designed so that wind-induced motionrnwill not cause unacceptable lack of transmission for broadcasting users and wireless communication. Forrnsuch antenna masts with directional radio transmission the serviceability limit state is predominantlyrngoverned by the tolerable change of the broadcasting angle of the mounted antenna assembly andrntherefore by the tip distortion of the mast. In this paper it will be shown that refinements of the presentrnstate of design of antenna masts are possible by using the statistics of extremes applied to extreme windrnsituations and by consideration of the statistical and reliability requirements given by the operator such asrnfrequency and return period of passing the serviceability limit.
Key Words
    towers; masts; antenna structures; ancillaries; directional radio transmission; serviceability limit; full-scale measurements; wind tunnel modeling; wind-induced deformation; gust response; statistics, of extremes; frequency of exceeding; design proposals.
Christian Kammel, Institute of Steel Construction, Wind Engineering, RWTH Aachen, D - 52056 Aachen, Germany

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