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Wind and Structures
  Volume 38, Number 1, January 2024 , pages 59-74

Effects of oscillation parameters on aerodynamic behavior of a rectangular 5:1 cylinder near resonance frequency
Pengcheng Zou, Shuyang Cao and Jinxin Cao

    Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is used to explore the influence of vibration frequency and amplitude on the aerodynamic performance of a rectangular cylinder with an aspect ratio of B/D=5 (B: breadth; D: depth of cylinder) at a Reynolds number of 22,000 near resonance frequency. In smooth flow conditions, the research employs a sequence of three-dimensional simulations under forced vibration with diverse frequency ratios fe / fo = 0.8-1.2 (fe : oscillation frequency; fo : Strouhal frequency when the rectangular cylinder is stationary ) and oscillation amplitudes Ah/D = 0.05 - 0.3. The individual influences of fe / fo and Ah/D on the characteristics of integrated and distributed aerodynamic forces are the focal points of discussion. For the integrated aerodynamic force, particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of the dependence of velocity-proportional component C1 and displacement-proportional component C2 of unsteady aerodynamic force on amplitude and frequency ratio. Near the resonance frequency, the dependencies of C1 and C2 on amplitude are stronger than that of frequency ratio. For the distributed aerodynamic force, the increase in frequency and amplitude promotes the position of the main vortex core and reattachment to the leading edge in the streamwise direction. In the spanwise direction, vibration enhances the spanwise correlation of aerodynamic force to weaken the threedimensional effect of the flow field, and a lower frequency ratio and larger amplitude amplify this effect.
Key Words
    forced vibration; large eddy simulation; phase angle; spanwise correlation; unsteady aerodynamic force
Pengcheng Zou:State Key Lab of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Shuyang Cao and Jinxin Cao:1)State Key Lab of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
2)Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Wind Resistant Technology for Bridge Structures, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

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