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Wind and Structures
  Volume 37, Number 3, September 2023 , pages 229-243

Dynamic behavior of H-shape tall building subjected to wind loading computed by stochastic and CFD methodologies
Lucas Willian Aguiar Mattias and Joao Elias Abdalla Filho

    This study analyzes the response of a tall building with an H-shaped cross-section when subjected to wind loading generated by the same H-shape. As normative standards usually adopt regular geometries for determining the wind loading, this paper shows unpublished results which compares results of the dynamic response of H-shaped buildings with the response of simplified section buildings. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is employed to determine the steady wind load on the Hshaped building. The CFD models are validated by comparison with wind tunnel test data for the k-ε and k-ω models of turbulence. Transient wind loading is determined using the Synthetic Wind Method. A new methodology is presented that combines Stochastic and CFD methods. In addition, time-history dynamic structural analysis is performed using the HHT method for a period of 60 seconds on finite element models. First, the along-wind response is studied for wind speed variations. The wind speeds of 28, 36, 42, and 50 m/s at 0° case are considered. Subsequently, the dynamic response of the building is studied for wind loads at 0°, 45°, and 90° with a wind speed of 42 m/s, which approximates the point of resonance between gusts of wind and the structure. The response values associated with the first two directions for the H-shaped building are smaller than those for the R-shaped (Equivalent Rectangular Shape) one. However, the displacements of the H-shaped building associated with the latter wind load are larger.
Key Words
    dynamic analysis of tall building; H-shaped cross-section building; synthetic wind method; wind loading
Lucas Willian Aguiar Mattias:1)Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Federal University of Technology of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil
2)Infrastructure Department, Federal Institute of Rondonia, Porto Velho, Brazil

Joao Elias Abdalla Filho:Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Federal University of Technology of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil

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