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Wind and Structures
  Volume 36, Number 2, February 2023 , pages 105-120

Shape optimization of corner recessed square tall building employing surrogate modelling
Arghyadip Das, Rajdip Paul and Sujit Kumar Dalui

    The present study is performed to find the effect of corner recession on a square plan-shaped tall building. A series of numerical simulations have been carried out to find the two orthogonal wind force coefficients on various model configurations using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Numerical analyses are performed by using ANSYS-CFX (k-ε turbulence model) considering the length scale of 1:300. The study is performed for 0° to 360° wind angle of attack. The CFD data thus generated is utilised to fit parametric equations to predict alongwind and crosswind force coefficients, Cfx and Cfy. The precision of the parametric equations is validated by employing a wind tunnel study for the 40% corner recession model, and an excellent match is observed. Upon satisfactory validation, the parametric equations are further used to carry out multiobjective optimization considering two orthogonal force coefficients. Pareto optimal design results are presented to propose suitable percentages of corner recession for the study building. The optimization is based on reducing the alongwind and crosswind forces simultaneously to enhance the aerodynamic performance of the building.
Key Words
    corner recession; force coefficient; Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA); parametric equations; pareto optimal solution; tall building
Arghyadip Das, Rajdip Paul and Sujit Kumar Dalui:Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology,
Shibpur, P.O.- Botanic Garden, Shalimar, West Bengal-711103, Howrah, India

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