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Wind and Structures
  Volume 28, Number 1, January 2019 , pages 63-70

A bimodal Weibull distribution - capacity factor for different heights at sulur
C.V. Seshaiah and D. Indhumathy

    Due to developing environmental concern use of renewable energy source is very essential. The great demand for the energy supply coupled with inadequate energy sources creates an emergency to find a new solution for the energy shortage. The appropriate wind energy distribution is the fundamental requirement for the assessment of wind energy potential available at the particular site essential for the design of wind farms. Hence the proper specification of the wind speed distribution plays a vital role. In this paper the Bimodal Weibull distribution is used to estimate the Capacity factor at the proposed site. The shape and scale parameters estimated using Maximum likelihood method is used as the initial value for extrapolation. Application of this model will give an accurate result overwhelming the concept of overestimation or underestimation of Capacity factor.
Key Words
    bimodal Weibull distribution ;two parameter Weibull distribution;vcut-in;vcut-off; vrated; capacity factor; vturbine
C.V. Seshaiah: Department of Basic Science & Humanities, GMR Institute of Technology, Srikakulam, India
D. Indhumathy: Department of Mathematics, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, India

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