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Wind and Structures
  Volume 27, Number 3, September 2018 , pages 163-173

Assessment of ASCE 7-10 for wind effects on low-rise wood frame buildings with database-assisted design methodology
Jing He, Fang Pan and C.S. Cai

    The design wind pressure for low-rise buildings in the ASCE 7-10 is defined by procedures that are categorized into the Main Wind Force-Resisting System (MWFRS) and the Components and Cladding (C&C). Some of these procedures were originally developed based on steel portal frames of industrial buildings, while the residential structures are a completely different structural system, most of which are designed as low-rise light-frame wood constructions. The purpose of this study is to discuss the rationality (or irrationality) of the extension of the wind loads calculated by the ASCE 7-10 to the light-frame wood residential buildings that represent the most vulnerable structures under extreme wind conditions. To serve this purpose, the same approach as used in the development of Chapter 28 of the ASCE 7-10 that envelops peak responses is adopted in the present study. Database-assisted design (DAD) methodology is used by applying the dynamic wind loads from Louisiana State University (LSU) database on a typical residential building model to assess the applicability of the standard by comparing the induced responses. Rather than the postulated critical member demands on the industrial building such as the bending moments at the knee, the maximum values at the critical points for wood frame buildings under wind loads are used as indicators for the comparison. Then, the critical members are identified through these indicators in terms of the displacement or the uplift force at connections and roof envelope. As a result, some situations for each of the ASCE 7 procedures yielding unconservative wind loads on the typical low-rise residential building are identified.
Key Words
    aerodynamics; buildings; low-rise; databases; structural designs; wind forces; wind tunnels; ASCE; standards and codes
Jing He and C.S. Cai:Department of Civil and Env. Eng., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Fang Pan: Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 78228, USA

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