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Wind and Structures
  Volume 24, Number 4, April 2017 , pages 333-350

Monitoring system for the wind-induced dynamic motion of 1/100-scale spar-type floating offshore wind turbine
C.M. Kim, J.R. Cho, S.R. Kim and Y.S. Lee

    Differing from the fixed-type, the dynamic motion of floating-type offshore wind turbines is very sensitive to wind and wave excitations. Thus, the sensing and monitoring of its motion is important to evaluate the dynamic responses to the external excitation. In this context, a monitoring system for sensing and processing the wind-induced dynamic motion of spar-type floating offshore wind turbine is developed in this study. It is developed by integrating a 1/00 scale model of 2.5MW spar-type floating offshore wind turbine, water basin equipped with the wind generator, sensing and data acquisition systems, real-time CompactRIO controller and monitoring program. The scale model with the upper rotatable blades is installed within the basin by means of three mooring lines, and its translational and rotational motions are detected by 3-axis inclinometer and accelerometers and gyroscope. The detected motion signals are processed using a real-time controller CompactRIO to calculate the acceleration and tilting angle of nacelle and the attitude of floating platform. The developed monitoring system is demonstrated and validated by measuring and evaluating the time histories and trajectories of nacelle and platform motions for three different wind velocities and for eight different fairlead positions.
Key Words
    wind turbine; spar-type floating offshore; monitoring system; 1/100 scale model; wind-induced motion and trajectory; wind velocity; fairlead position
C.M. Kim,S.R. Kim: Korea Institute of Industrial Engineering, Gangseo-Gu, Busan 618-230, Korea

J.R. Cho,Y.S. Lee: Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Hongik University, Sejong 339-701, Korea

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