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Wind and Structures
  Volume 21, Number 1, July 2015 , pages 25-40

Vortex-induced reconfiguration of a tandem arrangement of flexible cylinders
Sang Joon Lee, Jeong Jae Kim and Eunseop Yeom

    Oscillating motions of flexible cylinders are associated to some extent with the aerodynamic response of plants. Tandem motions of reeds with flexible stems in a colony are experimentally investigated using an array of flexible cylinders made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Consecutive images of flexible cylinders subjected to oncoming wind are recorded with a high-speed camera. To quantify oscillating motions, the average bending angle and displacement of flexible cylinders are evaluated using point-tracking method and spectral analysis. The tandem motions of flexible cylinders are closely related to the flow characteristics around the cylinders. Thus, the dynamic motions of a tandem arrangement of flexible cylinders are investigated with varying numbers of cylinders arranged in-line, numbers of cylinders in a group (behaving like a single body), and Reynolds numbers (Re). When the number of cylinders in a group increases, the damping effect caused by the support of downstream cylinders is pronounced. These results would be provide useful information on the tandem-arranged design of complex structures and energy harvesting devices.
Key Words
    flexible cylinder; tandem arrangement; in-line cylinders; reconfiguration
Sang Joon Lee, Jeong Jae Kim and Eunseop Yeom: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), San 31, Hyojadong, Pohang 790-784, South Korea

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