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Wind and Structures
  Volume 14, Number 2, March 2011 , pages 153-165

An experimental study of flutter and buffeting control of suspension bridge by mechanically driven flaps
Duc - Huynh Phan and Hiroshi Kobayshi

    The alternative solution for flutter and buffeting stability of a long suspension bridge will be a passive control using flaps. This method not only enables a lightweight economic stiffening girder without an additional stiffness for aerodynamic stability but also avoid the problems from the malfunctions of control systems and energy supply system of an active control by winglets and flaps. A mechanically control using flaps for increasing flutter speed and decreasing buffeting response of a suspension bridge is experimentally studied through a two dimensional bridge deck model. The result shows that the flutter speed is increased and the buffeting response is decreased through the mechanical drive of the flaps.
Key Words
    flutter; buffeting; suspension bridge; passive control; flaps.
Duc - Huynh Phan : Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Education and Technology, VietNam
Hiroshi Kobayshi : Ritsumeikan University, Japan

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