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Wind and Structures
  Volume 14, Number 2, March 2011 , pages 85-112

Vibrations of wind-turbines considering soil-structure interaction
S. Adhikari and S. Bhattacharya

    Wind turbine structures are long slender columns with a rotor and blade assembly placed on the top. These slender structures vibrate due to dynamic environmental forces and its own dynamics. Analysis of the dynamic behavior of wind turbines is fundamental to the stability, performance, operation and safety of these systems. In this paper a simplied approach is outlined for free vibration analysis of these long, slender structures taking the soil-structure interaction into account. The analytical method is based on an Euler-Bernoulli beam-column with elastic end supports. The elastic end-supports are considered to model the flexible nature of the interaction of these systems with soil. A closed-form approximate expression has been derived for the first natural frequency of the system. This new expression is a function of geometric and elastic properties of wind turbine tower and properties of the foundation including soil. The proposed simple expression has been independently validated using an exact numerical method, laboratory based experimental measurement and field measurement of a real wind turbine structure. The results obtained in the paper shows that the proposed expression can be used for a quick assessment of the fundamental frequency of a wind turbine taking the soil-structure interaction into account.
Key Words
    mono-pile; natural frequency; beam theory; wind-turbine; soil stiffness.
S. Adhikari : College of Engineering, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK
S. Bhattacharya :Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, 2.37, Queen\'s Building,
University Walk, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1TR, UK

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