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Wind and Structures
  Volume 13, Number 3, May 2010 , pages 221-234

Construction quality issues in performance-based wind engineering: effect of missing fasteners
John W. van de Lindt and Thang Nguyen Dao

    In light-frame wood construction, missing roof-sheathing fasteners can be a relatively common occurrence. This type of construction makes up the vast majority of the residential building stock in North America and thus their performance in high winds, including hurricanes, is of concern due to their sheer number. Construction quality issues are common in these types of structures primarily because the majority are conventionally constructed and unlike steel and reinforced concrete structures, inspection is minimal except in certain areas of the country. The concept of performance-based wind engineering (PBWE), a relatively new paradigm, relies on the assumption that building performance under wind loads can be accurately modeled. However, the discrepancy between what is designed (and modeled) and what is built (the as-built) may make application of PBWE to light-frame wood buildings quite difficult. It can be concluded from this study that construction quality must be controlled for realistic application of PBWE to light-frame wood buildings.
Key Words
    performance-based design; light-frame wood buildings; sheathing fastener; wind engineering.
John W. van de Lindt and Thang Nguyen Dao: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Campus Delivery 1372, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1372, USA

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