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Wind and Structures
  Volume 12, Number 3, May 2009 , pages 179-204

Influence of tilt and surface roughness on the outflow wind field of an impinging jet
M.S. Mason, G.S. Wood and D.F. Fletcher

    A physical and numerical steady flow impinging jet has been used to simulate the bulk characteristics of a downburst-like wind field. The influence of downdraft tilt and surface roughness on the ensuing wall jet flow has been investigated. It was found that a simulated downdraft impinging the surface at a non-normal angle has the potential for causing larger structural loads than the normal impingement case. It was also found that for the current impinging jet simulations, surface roughness played a minor role in determining the storm maximum wind structure, but this influence increased as the wall jet diverged. However, through comparison with previous research it was found that the influence of surface roughness is Reynolds number dependent and therefore may differ from that reported herein for full-scale downburst cases. Using the current experimental results an empirical model has been developed for laboratory-scale impinging jet velocity structure that includes the influence of both jet tilt and surface roughness.
Key Words
    Downburst; microburst; impinging jet; tilted jet; surface roughness; empirical model
M.S. Mason; School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
G.S. Wood; Cermak Peterka Petersen, St. Peters, NSW, Australia
D.F. Fletcher; School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

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