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Smart Structures and Systems
  Volume 5, Number 3, May 2009 , pages 279-290

Microcontroller based split mass resonant sensor for absolute and differential sensing
G. Uma, M. Umapathy, K. Suneel Kumar, K. Suresh and A. Maria Josephine

    Two degrees of freedom resonant systems are employed to improve the resonant property of resonant sensor, as compared to a single degree of freedom resonant system. This paper presents design, development and testing of two degrees of freedom resonant sensor. To measure absolute mass, cantilever shaped two different masses (smaller/absorber mass and bigger/drive mass) with identical resonant frequency are mechanically linked to form 2 - Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) resonator which exhibits higher amplitude of displacement at the smaller mass. The same concept is extended for measuring differential quantity, by having two bigger mass and one smaller mass. The main features of this work are the 3 - DOF resonator for differential detection and the microcontroller based closed loop electronics for resonant sensor with piezoelectric sensing and excitation. The advantage of using microcontroller is that the method can be easily extended for any range of measurand.
Key Words
    resonant sensor; 2 DOF resonator; piezoelectric and split mass
G. Uma, M. Umapathy, K. Suneel Kumar, K. Suresh and A. Maria Josephine; Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli-620 015, India

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