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Smart Structures and Systems
  Volume 28, Number 2, August 2021 , pages 153-165

Modifications on F2MC tubes as passive tunable vibration absorbers
Shiren O. Muhammad and Nazhad A. Hussain

    This paper presents new parameters for damping improvement in F2MC tubes performance as tunable vibration absorbers. They offer very good performance with environments having susceptibility to high frequency vibration noise. This study highlights the behavior of changing some parameters of F2MC tubes which never have been studied before. These parameters include thickness ratio between each two respective layers and fluid type that the tubes are filled with. In this paper the beam governing equations with the tube's stress analyses equations are solved for finding the combined system's response by MATLAB® software function solvers. To ensure accuracy of modifications, validations have been proposed by performing illustrative examples and comparing the results with the existing data available in literature. The results showed improvements of F2MC tubes performance 20% over previous studies achievements by studying the thickness ratio, and another 12.82% can be added by using glycerin instead of water under the same conditions. Finally, the reduction of 34.34 dB in first mode amplitude of vibration was achieved in the beam's frequency response function plot.
Key Words
    damping; F2MC tubes; first mode shape; frequency response function plot; passive vibration absorbers; vibration control
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Salahaddin University - Erbil, Erbil,44002, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

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