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Smart Structures and Systems
  Volume 25, Number 6, June 2020 , pages 707-717

Nonlinear stability of smart nonlocal magneto-electro-thermo-elastic beams with geometric imperfection and piezoelectric phase effects
Nadhim M. Faleh, Izz Kadhum Abboud and Amer Fadhel Nori

    In this paper, analysis of thermal post-buckling behaviors of sandwich nanobeams with two layers of multi-phase magneto-electro-thermo-elastic (METE) composites have been presented considering geometric imperfection effects. Multi-phase METE material is composed form piezoelectric and piezo-magnetic constituents for which the material properties can be controlled based on the percentages of the constituents. Nonlinear governing equations of sandwich nanobeam are derived based on nonlocal elasticity theory together with classic thin beam model and an analytical solution is provided. It will be shown that post-buckling behaviors of sandwich nanobeam in thermo-electro-magnetic field depend on the constituent's percentages. Buckling temperature of sandwich nanobeam is also affected by nonlocal scale factor, magnetic field intensity and electrical voltage.
Key Words
    sandwich nanobeam; multi-phase composite; thermal post-buckling; piezoelectric reinforcement; nonlocal elasticity
Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering Collage P.O. Box 46049, Bab-Muadum, Baghdad 10001, Iraq.

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