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Smart Structures and Systems
  Volume 18, Number 1, July 2016 , pages 31-52

Active tendon control of suspension bridges
André Preumont, Matteo Voltan, Andrea Sangiovanni, Bilal Mokrani and David Alaluf

    The paper first reviews the theory of active tendon control with decentralized Integral Force Feedback (IFF) and collocated displacement actuator and force sensor; a formal proof of the formula giving the maximum achievable damping is provided for the first time. Next, the potential of the control strategy for the control of suspension bridges with active stay cables is evaluated on a numerical model of an existing footbridge; several configurations are investigated where the active cables connect the pylon to the deck or the deck to the catenary. The analysis confirms that it is possible to provide a set of targeted modes with a considerable amount of damping, reaching s=15% . Finally, the control strategy is demonstrated experimentally on a laboratory mock-up equipped with four control stay cables equipped with piezoelectric actuators. The experimental results confirm the excellent performance and robustness of the control system and the very good agreement with the predictions.
Key Words
    suspension bridge; active control; collocated control; integral force feedback
André Preumont, Bilal Mokrani and David Alaluf: Active Structures Laboratory, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
50, Av. F. D. Roosevelt (CP 165/42), Brussels, Belgium
Matteo Voltan and Andrea Sangiovanni: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytecnico di Milano, 1, Giuseppe La Masa, Milano, Italy


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