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Smart Structures and Systems
  Volume 18, Number 1, July 2016 , pages 17-29

Human induced vibration vs. cable-stay footbridge deterioration
S. Casciati

    In this paper, the possibility of using human induced loading (HIL) to detect a decrease of tension in the cable-stays of an existing footbridge is investigated. First, a reliable finite elements model of an existing footbridge is developed by calibration with experimental data. Next, estimates of the tension in the cables are derived and their dependency on the modal features of the deck is investigated. The modelling of the HIL is briefly discussed and used to perform the nonlinear, large strain, dynamic finite elements analyses. The results of these analyses are assessed with focus on characterizing the time histories of the tension in the cables under pedestrian crossing and their effects on the deck response for different initial conditions. Finally, the control perspective is introduced in view of further research.
Key Words
    cable tension; footbridge; geometric nonlinearity; human induced load,; stays
S. Casciati: Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, Piazza Federico di Svevia, 96100 Siracusa, Italy

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