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Smart Structures and Systems
  Volume 15, Number 3, March 2015 , pages 847-862

Efficient optimal design of passive structural control applied to isolator design
Mahmoud Kamalzare, Erik A. Johnson and Steven F. Wojtkiewicz

    Typical base isolated buildings are designed so that the superstructure remains elastic in design-level earthquakes, though the isolation layer is often quite nonlinear using, e.g., hysteretic elements such as lead-rubber bearings and friction pendulum bearings. Similarly, other well performing structural control systems keep the structure within the linear range except during the most extreme of excitations. Design optimization of these isolators or other structural control systems requires computationally-expensive response simulations of the (mostly or fully) linear structural system with the nonlinear structural control devices. Standard nonlinear structural analysis algorithms ignore the localized nature of these nonlinearities when computing responses. This paper proposes an approach for the computationally-efficient optimal design of passive isolators by extending a methodology previously developed by the authors for accelerating the response calculation of mostly linear systems with local features (linear or nonlinear, deterministic or random). The methodology is explained and applied to a numerical example of a base isolated building with a hysteretic isolation layer. The computational efficiency of the proposed approach is shown to be significant for this simple problem, and is expected to be even more dramatic for more complex systems.
Key Words
    computationally-efficient simulation; passive structural control; optimal design; leadrubber bearings
Mahmoud Kamalzare, Erik A. Johnson: Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, 3620 S Vermont Ave, KAP 210, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
Steven F. Wojtkiewicz: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Box 5710, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5710, USA

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