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Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
  Volume 7, Number 1, March 2020 , pages 27-42

A numerical method for dynamic characteristics of nonlocal porous metal-ceramic plates under periodic dynamic loads
Mohammed Abdulraoof Abdulrazzaq, Zeyad D. Kadhim, Nadhim M. Falehand Nader M. Moustafa

    Dynamic stability of graded nonlocal nano-dimension plates on elastic substrate due to in-plane periodic loads has been researched via a novel 3- unknown plate theory based on exact position of neutral surface. Proposed theory confirms the shear deformation effects and contains lower field components in comparison to first order and refined 4- unknown plate theories. A modified power-law function has been utilized in order to express the porosity-dependent material coefficients. The equations of nanoplate have been represented in the context of Mathieu–Hill equations and Chebyshev-Ritz-Bolotin\' s approach has been performed to derive the stability boundaries. Detailed impacts of static/dynamic loading parameters, nonlocal constant, foundation parameters, material index and porosities on instability boundaries of graded nanoscale plates are researched.
Key Words
    dynamic instability; 3- unknown plate theory; FGM nanoplate; nonlocal theory, porosities
Mohammed Abdulraoof Abdulrazzaq, Zeyad D. Kadhim,
Nadhim M. Falehand Nader M. Moustafa: Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering Collage P.O. Box 46049, Bab-Muadum, Baghdad 10001, Iraq

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