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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 88, Number 4, November25 2023 , pages 369-377

Optimization of hybrid composite plates using Tsai-Wu Criteria
Mehmet Hanifi Doğru, İbrahim Göv, Eyüp Yeter and Kürşad Göv

    In this study, previously developed algorithm is used for Optimization of hybrid composite plates using Tsai-Wu criteria. For the stress-based Design Optimization problems, Von-Mises stress uses as design variable for isotropic materials. Maximum stress, maximum strain, Tsai Hill, and Tsai-Wu criteria are generally used to determine failure of composite materials. In this study, failure index value is used as design variable in the optimization algorithm and Tsai-Wu criteria is utilized to calculate this value. In the analyses, commonly used design domains according to different hybrid orientations are optimized and results are presented. When the optimization algorithm was applied, 50% material reduction was obtained without exceeding allowable failure index value.
Key Words
    fiber reinforced composites; finite element method (FEM); hybridization; optimization; Tsai-Wu Criteria
Mehmet Hanifi Doğru: Pilotage Department, Aeronautics and Aerospace Faculty, University of Gaziantep, Türkiye
İbrahim Göv, Eyüp Yeter, Kürşad Göv: Aerospace Engineering Department, Aeronautics and Aerospace Faculty, University of Gaziantep, Türkiye

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