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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 72, Number 4, November25 2019 , pages 469-477

Bonded-cluster simulation of tool-rock interaction using advanced discrete element method
Weiji Liu, Xiaohua Zhu, Yunlai Zhou, Tao Li and Xiangning Zhang

    The understanding of tool-rock interaction mechanism is of high essence for improving the rock breaking efficiency and optimizing the drilling parameters in mechanical rock breaking. In this study, the tool-rock interaction models of indentation and cutting are carried out by employing the discrete element method (DEM) to examine the rock failure modes of various brittleness rocks and critical indentation and cutting depths of the ductile to brittle failure mode transition. The results show that the cluster size and inter-cluster to intra-cluster bond strength ratio are the key factors which influence the UCS magnitude and the UCS to BTS ratio. The UCS to BTS strength ratio can be increased to a more realistic value using clustered rock model so that the characteristics of real rocks can be better represented. The critical indentation and cutting depth decrease with the brittleness of rock increases and the decreasing rate reduces dramatically against the brittleness value. This effort may lead to a better understanding of rock breaking mechanisms in mechanical excavation, and may contribute to the improvement in the design of rock excavation machines and the related parameters determination.
Key Words
    discrete element method, tool-rock interaction, failure mode, bonded cluster, UCS, BTS
Weiji Liu/Southwest Petroleum University
Xiaohua Zhu/Southwest Petroleum University
Yun-Lai Zhou/National University of Singapore
Tao Li/Wuhan University of Technology
Xiangning Zhang/Chongqing University

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