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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 67, Number 2, July25 2018 , pages 207-217

Experimental and numerical investigation of strengthened deficient steel SHS columns under axial compressive loads
Mehdi Shahraki, Mohammad Reza Sohrabi, Gholam Reza Azizyan and Kambiz Narmashiri

    In past years, numerous problems have vexed engineers with regard to buckling, corrosion, bending, and over-loading in damaged steel structures. This article sets out to investigate the possible effects of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and steel plates for retrofitting deficient steel square hollow section (SHS) columns. The effects of axial loading, stiffness, axial displacement, the position and shape of deficient region on the length of steel SHS columns, and slenderness ratio are examined through a detailed parametric study. A total of 14 specimens was tested for failure under axial compression in a laboratory and simulated using finite element (FE) analysis based on a numerical approach. The results indicate that the application of CFRP sheets and steel plates also caused a reduction in stress in the damaged region and prevented or retarded local deformation around the deficiency. The findings showed that a deficiency leads to reduced load-carrying capacity of steel SHS columns and the retrofitting method is responsible for the increase in the load-bearing capacity of the steel columns. Finally, this research showed that the CFRP performed better than steel plates in compensating the axial force caused by the cross-section reduction due to the problems associated with the use of steel plates, such as in welding, increased weight, thermal stress around the welding location, and the possibility of creating another deficiency by welding.
Key Words
    Square Hollow Section (SHS); deficiency; CFRP; steel column; strengthening; steel plate
Mehdi Shahraki, Mohammad Reza Sohrabi and Gholam Reza Azizyan: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
Kambiz Narmashiri: Department of Civil Engineering, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran

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