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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 65, Number 2, January25 2018 , pages 141-154

Numerical investigation of buckling strength of longitudinally stiffened web of plate girders subjected to bending
Hee Soon Kim, Yong Myung Park, Byung Jun Kim and Kyungsik Kim

    In this study, the bend-buckling strength of the web in longitudinally stiffened plate girder was numerically investigated. The buckling strength of the reinforced web was evaluated through an eigenvalue analysis of the hypothetical model, in which the top and bottom junctions of the web to the flanges were assumed as simple support conditions. Major parameters in the analysis include asymmetrical cross-sectional property, aspect ratio of the web, stiffener locations, and bending rigidity of the stiffeners. The numerical results showed that current AASHTO LRFD specifications (2014) provides the buckling strength from considerably safe side to slightly unsafe side depending on the location of the stiffeners. A modified equation for buckling coefficients was proposed to solve the shortcomings. The bending rigidity requirements of longitudinal stiffeners stipulated in AASHTO were also investigated. It is desirable to increase the rigidity of the stiffeners when the aspect ratio is less than 1.0.
Key Words
    plate girder; longitudinal stiffener; in-plane bending; web bend-buckling strength; rigidity of stiffener
Hee Soon Kim, Yong Myung Park and Byung Jun Kim: Department of Civil Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea
Kyungsik Kim: Department of Civil Engineering, Cheongju University, Cheongju 28503, Republic of Korea

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