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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 63, Number 5, September10 2017 , pages 597-605

Delamination of a composite laminated under monotonic loading
Habib Achache, Abdelouahab Benzerdjeb, Abdelkader Mehidi, Benali Boutabout and Djamel Ouinas

    Our work aims to analyze using the finite element method the evolution of the stress intensity factor (SIF) parameter K of three laminated folded plates stacks [+a,-a], made of the same epoxy matrix and different reinforcement fibers (boron, graphite and glass). Our results show that the angle of orientation of the boron/epoxy composite has no great influence on the variation of the parameter KI. Compared to composite graphite/epoxy and glass/epoxy, the laminated composite boron/epoxy reduces more the SIF KI in the middle of the plate for angles 0 <= a <= 30.
Key Words
    cracks; delamination; stress intensity factor; fibers orientations; finite element method and laminates
Habib Achache : Department of Materials Engineering, University Dr Yahia Fares of Medea, Urban Pole - 26000 Medea, Algeria
Abdelouahab Benzerdjeb : Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Science and Technology Oran Mohammed Boudiaf (USTO), BP1505 El Menaouar, 31036 Oran, Algeria
Abdelkader Mehidi and Benali Boutabout : Laboratory of Mechanical and Physical of Materials (LMPM), University Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes,
BP 89, Street Ben M\'Hidi, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Djamel Ouinas : Laboratory of Numerical and Experimental Modeling of Mechanical Phenomena, University of Mostaganem,
Route Belahcel 27000 Mostaganem, Algeria

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