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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 63, Number 5, September10 2017 , pages 575-583

Behavior of pre-cracked deep beams with composite materials repairs
M. Boumaaza, A. Bezazi, H. Bouchelaghem, N. Benzennache, S. Amziane and F. Scarpa

    The study covers the behavior of reinforced concrete deep beams loaded under 4-point bending, failed by shear and repaired using bonding glass fiber reinforced plastics fabrics (GFRP) patches. Two rehabilitation methods have been used to highlight the influence of the composite on the ultimate strength of the beams and their failure modes. In the first series of trials the work has been focused on the reinforcement/rehabilitation of the beam by following the continuous configuration of the FRP fabric. The patch with a U-shape did not provide satisfactory results because this reinforcement strategy does not allow to increase the ultimate strength or to avoid the abrupt shear failure mode. A second methodology of rehabilitation/reinforcement has been developed in the form of SCR (Strips of Critical Region), in which the composite materials reinforcements are positioned to band the inclined cracks (shear) caused by the shear force. The results obtained by using this method lead a superior out come in terms of ultimate strength and change of the failure mode from abrupt shearing to ductile bending.
Key Words
    glass fiber; shear reinforcement; reinforced concrete; beams; repair; failure modes; cracking
M. Boumaaza, N. Benzennache : Department of Civil Engineering, Laboratory of Civil Engineering & Hydraulics, University of Guelma, BP 401, Guelma 24000, Algeria
A. Bezazi : Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Applied Mechanics of New Materials, University of Guelma,
BP 401, Guelma 24000, Algeria
H. Bouchelaghem : Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Applied Mechanics of New Materials, University of Guelma,
BP 401, Guelma 24000, Algeria
/Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Constantine Mentouri brothers, Road Ain El Bey, Constantine 25000, Algeria
S. Amziane : Department of Civil Engineering, Polytech Clermont Ferrand, Blaise Pascal University, UMR 6602 BP 206, 63174 Aubière, France
F. Scarpa : Bristol Composites Institute (ACCIS), University of Bristol, BS8 1TR Bristol, UK

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