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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 56, Number 3, November10 2015 , pages 409-422

Multi-swarm fruit fly optimization algorithm for structural damage identification
S. Li and Z.R. Lu

    In this paper, the Multi-Swarm Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm (MFOA) is presented for structural damage identification using the first several natural frequencies and mode shapes. We assume damage only leads to the decrease of element stiffness. The differences on natural frequencies and mode shapes of damaged and intact state of a structure are used to establish the objective function, which transforms a damage dentification problem into an optimization problem. The effectiveness and accuracy of MFOA are demonstrated by three different structures. Numerical results show that the MFOA has a better capacity for structural damage identification than the original Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm (FOA) does.
Key Words
    damage identification; multi-swarm fruit fly optimization algorithm; non-destructive techniques; frequency domain
S. Li and Z.R. Lu: damage identification; multi-swarm fruit fly optimization algorithm; non-destructive techniques; frequency domain

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