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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 44, Number 6, December25 2012 , pages 763-774

Experimental work on seismic behavior of various types of masonry infilled RC frames
I. Serkan Misir, Ozgur Ozcelik, Sadik Can Girgin and Serap Kahraman

    Reinforced concrete frame structures with masonry infill walls constitute the significant portion of the building stock in Turkey. Therefore it is very important to understand the behavior of masonry infill frame structures under earthquake loads. This study presents an experimental work performed on reinforced concrete (RC) frames with different types of masonry infills, namely standard and locked bricks. Earthquake effects are induced on the RC frames by quasi-static tests. Results obtained from different frames are compared with each other through various stiffness, strength, and energy related parameters. It is shown that locked bricks may prove useful in decreasing the problems related to horizontal and vertical irregularities defined in building codes. Moreover tests show that locked brick infills maintain their integrity up to very high drift levels, showing that they may have a potential in reducing injuries and fatalities related to falling hazards during severe ground shakings.
Key Words
    engineered infills; locked brick masonry infill; reinforced concrete frames; cyclic testing; experimental methods; earthquake engineering
I. Serkan Misir, Ozgur Ozcelik, Sadik Can Girginb and Serap Kahraman: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160, Izmir, Turkey

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