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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 27, Number 6, December10 2007 , pages 639-650

Creep analysis of concrete filled steel tube arch bridges
Y.F. Wang, B. Han, J.S. Du and K.W. Liu

    Applying the method calculating creep of Concrete Filled steel Tube (CFT) members based on the Elastic Continuation and Plastic Flow theory for concrete creep with the finite element method, the paper develops a new numerical method for the creep of CFT arch bridges considering effects of bending moment. It is shown that the method is feasible and reasonable through comparing the predicted stresses and deflection caused by the creep with the results obtained by the method of Gu et al. (2001) based on ACI209R model and experimental data of an actual CFT arch bridge. Furthermore, nine CFT arch bridges with different types are calculated and analyzed with and without the effects of bending moment. As a result, the bending moment has considerable influences on long-term deformations and internal forces of CFT arch bridges, especially when the section of arch rib is subjected to a large bending moment.
Key Words
    creep; CFT; arch bridge; eccentric compression; Finite Element Method (FEM).
Y.F. Wang, B. Han, J.S. Du and K.W. Liu; School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, P. R. China

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