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Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  Volume 16, Number 4, October 2003 , pages 405-422

Energy dissipation response of brick masonry under cyclic compressive loading
R. Senthivel and S. N. Sinha

    Scaled brick masonry panels were tested under cyclic unialxial compression loading to evaluate its deformation characteristics. An envelope stress - strain curves, a common point curves and stability point curves were obtained for various cyclic test conditions. Loops of the stress-strain hysteresis were used to determine the energy dissipation for each cycle. Empirical expressions were proposed for the relations between energy dissipation and envelope and residual strains. These relations indicated that the decay of masonry strength starts at about two-third of peak stress.
Key Words
    brick; uniaxial; envelope curve; common point; stability point; cyclic loading; Stress-Strain Hysteresis; energy dissipation; envelope strain; plastic strain.
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - 110016, India

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