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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 8, Number 4, August 2008 , pages 313-328

Experimental study on flexural strength of reinforced modular composite profiled beams
Hyung-Joon Ahn and Soo-Hyun Ryu

    This study attempts to suggest bending reinforcement method by applying bending reinforcement to composite profile beam in which the concept of prefabrication is introduced. Profile use can be in place of framework and is effective in improvement of shear and bending strength and advantageous in long-term deflection. As a result of experiment, MPB-CB2 with improved module had higher strength and ductility than the previously published MPB-CB and MPB-LB. In case of bending reinforcement with deformed bar and built-up T-shape section based on MPB-CB2, the MPB-RB series reinforced with deformed bar were found to have higher initial stiffness, bending strength and ductility than the MPB-RT series. The less reinforcement effect of the MPB-RT series might be caused by poor concrete filling at the bottom of the built-up T-shape. In comparison between theoretical values and experimental values using minimum yield strength, the ratio between experimental value and theoretical value was shown to be 0.9 or higher except for MPB-RB16 and MPB-RT16 that have more reinforcement compared to the section, thus it is deemed that the reinforced modular composite profiled beam is highly applicable on the basis of minimum yield strength.
Key Words
    modular; composite profiled; flexural strength; bending reinforcement; prefabrication.
Hyung-Joon Ahn : Department of Architectural Engineering, Kon-Kuk University, Seoul, Korea
Soo-Hyun Ryu : Department of Architectural Design, Sahm-Yook University, Seoul, Korea

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